#BustedOpen Podcast -
a. 'The Master's Class' - Autograph Etiquette: https://busted-open.simplecast.com/episodes/the-masters-class-autograph-etiquette
b. Revealing #CharlotteFlair & #Yokozuna Documentaries: https://busted-open.simplecast.com/episodes/revealing-charlotte-flair-yokozuna-documentaries
The #NewDayPod-cast, Feel The Power - Best Of... Friends of #NewDayPod - #BigE's Win: https://player.fm/series/the-new-day-feel-the-power-2657107/best-of-friends-of-newdaypod-big-es-win
(3 of 3)
#bige #newdaypod #yokozuna #CharlotteFlair #bustedopen
【GACKT】ガクトが国歌独唱。横綱白鵬の断髪式にて【大相撲】Gackt national solo! ? Former yokozuna Hakuho's haircut ceremony. https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1626165/celebrity/
#Celebrities #Celebrity #ceremony #gackt #GACKTガクトが国歌独唱横綱白鵬の断髪式にて大相撲Gackt #haircut #Hakuho39s #National #SOLO #sumo #Vlog #yokozuna #ガクト #両国国技館 #国家独唱 #大相撲 #宮城野親方 #断髪式 #白鵬 #相撲
#GACKTガクトが国歌独唱横綱白鵬の断髪式にて大相撲Gackt #haircut #national #sumo #vlog #yokozuna #ガクト #断髪式 #相撲 #celebrities #celebrity #ceremony #gackt #Hakuho39s #solo #国家独唱 #大相撲 #白鵬 #両国国技館 #宮城野親方
January 25, 1993
#American Chad Rowan becomes the first non-Japanese to achieve the highest rank in #sumo #wrestling.
#yokozuna #sports #Japan #wrestling #sumo #american #thisdayinhistory
January 25, 1993
#American Chad Rowan becomes first non-Japanese to achieve highest rank in #sumo #wrestling
#yokozuna #sports #Japan #wrestling #sumo #american #thisdayinhistory