S. K. Riley · @SKRiley_Author
389 followers · 377 posts · Server universeodon.com

The great man, recently passed, of North East Arnhem Land, spent his lifetime explaining to the world the worldview.

Yunupingu himself explains “we seek that moment in the ceremonial cycle where all is equal and in balance. Where older men have guided the younger ones and, in turn, taken knowledge from their elders; where no one is better than anyone else, everyone is equal, performing their role and taking their duties and responsibilities – then the ceremony is balanced and the clan moves in unison: there is no female, no male, no little ones and no big ones; we are all the same.”

This is yothu yindi.
Balance. Wholeness. Completeness.

Just as these great clans are bound to each other for all time, so too are all those that now call home. Together we must secure a future for Australia in which we can find harmony and balance between all the people of this nation. – Taken from his final public statement, delivered to parliament by the Labor senator Pat Dodson.

#yolnu #australia

Last updated 2 years ago

Peter M 🎯 · @Pjotrovics
210 followers · 2372 posts · Server mastodon.nl


..als het woord of toch op het biljet zou komen te staan.
Het zou mooi zijn als hun werkelijk wordt geëerd door hen te vragen welke naam er dan op moet komen.

En als ze dan toch bezig zijn, wijzig dan ook de naam in land, want dat volk woont daar. Géén .
Er zijn aanwijzingen dat zij de 1e waren.

: eer hun .


#geschiedenis #justsaying #australiers #arhemmers #yolnu #arnhemland #historie #Aborigines #aboriginals #PrettiggestoordNL

Last updated 2 years ago

Karen Wyld · @KarenWyld
2165 followers · 1039 posts · Server aus.social

Time to tackle those neglected dishes. While I do that, here's another @indigenousauthors book.

Song Spirals: sharing women's wisdom of Country through songlines (2019) by Gay'wu group of women.

#indigenous #yolnu #ArnhemLand #aboriginalsonglines #IndigenousKnowledges #firstpeoples

Last updated 2 years ago

GC · @gc
44 followers · 53 posts · Server aus.social

Wanha! Journey to Arnhem at the Opera House forecourt tonight


#yolnu #wanha #ArnhemLand #operahousesydney #sydney

Last updated 2 years ago