Troy Davis · @troyd
140 followers · 95 posts · Server

misc notes from the past 2 days:

pond pump drip irrigation: 👍. the Interweb made me skeptical ( but it can work. use flag drippers.

(wish: a way to distribute water from a single emitter over an entire small pot. point watering sucks. Netafim Netbow looks good but finicky.)

3-4 boysenberries carried "garden symphylans" from the nursery ( I submerged each pot in water and watched them surface, squirm, and finally drown.

#yoloberryfarm #urbanag

Last updated 1 year ago

Troy Davis · @troyd
140 followers · 95 posts · Server

trying to set up drip irrigation with very low water pressure - I'm talking 5 PSI from a pond/utility pump in a bucket. way under stated minimums 🙃

what works? flag emitters on level 1/2" tube. with a 1/6 hp. Wayne WaterBUG pump, 1 and 2 GPH flag emitters put out roughly their rated volumes. example:

other emitter styles aren't usable. even adjustable emitters/bubblers don't release much water when fully open (example:

#yoloberryfarm #urbanag

Last updated 1 year ago

Troy Davis · @troyd
140 followers · 91 posts · Server

oh, one other next step: call Schuh Farms and a few Puget Sound boysenberry growers (there aren't many!).

I'd much rather help Schuh grow all year - and that would be infinitely more likely to succeed. I emailed Schuh last weekend, but they haven't responded.

#yoloberryfarm #berry #agriculture

Last updated 1 year ago