1/ Folks, it is Jewish law that the upcoming High Holidays (Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur) are affective repentance for issues or incidents between a person and The All Mighty/G-d/Their Higher Power. #RoshHashanah #YomKippur
Goose committed a lot of cardinal sins last night. But if the first 20 minutes of this set are any indication of what’s to come, consider this the Day of Atonement. #YomKippur
Have you davened from Mishkan Hanefesh? This is the newest #mahzor from #ReformJudaism
In your view, how does it compare to the classic Reform prayerbook, Gates of Repentance? Or to the Conservative movement's Mahzor Lev Shalem? Or to the Modern Orthodox mahzor from Koren?
#mahzor #reformJudaism #tefila #daven #davening #roshhashanah #yomkippur
I no longer want to let external demands dictate my actions.
With young children I don't get a lot of free time. I recently devoted two blocks of such time - one on #YomKippur, one on a Saturday morning I had to myself - reflect on my #values, my #principles, my #vision of what I want my life to look like.
It was extremely rewarding, totally worth the time investment. I can now let my who I want to be dictate the actions I take within the context of external demands.
#yomkippur #values #principles #vision #horizonsoffocus
RT @KaminskiMed@twitter.com
This may not be popular on #MedTwitter.
I find the appropriation of spiritual holidays for fitness bashes offensive.
#Hanukah is about victory of the few, freedom from oppression #NotAboutPlanks.
& #YomKippur or #Ramadan not about intermittent fasting
#medtwitter #hanukah #notaboutplanks #yomkippur #ramadan
This may not be popular on #MedTwitter.
I find the appropriation of spiritual holidays for fitness bashes offensive.
#Hanukah is about victory of the few, freedom from oppression #NotAboutPlanks.
& #YomKippur or #Ramadan not about intermittent fasting
#medtwitter #hanukah #notaboutplanks #yomkippur #ramadan
"Un gruppo di arabo-israeliani è stato attaccato martedì alla vigilia dello #YomKippur a #BatYam, mentre camminavano sul lungomare della città. All'improvviso hanno visto una folla correre verso di loro, secondo la loro testimonianza.
“Non ci hanno detto nulla, hanno appena visto che eravamo arabi hanno iniziato a correre verso di noi”.
Tre persone sono rimaste ferite nell'attacco, due con contusioni e uno da una ferita da taglio. Sono stati dimessi dopo poche ore dal Wolfson Hospital.
“Nonostante quello che scrivono tutti, non eravamo in macchina. Stavamo solamente camminando”, ricorda uno del gruppo, riferendosi alle confuse notizie circolate, dovute al fatto che allo stesso tempo, in un altro incidente non collegato all'ingresso nord di #BatYam, degli ebrei hanno ribaltato un'auto dopo aver visto che apparteneva ad arabi. ⬇2
RT @shane_burley1@twitter.com
So while I was away for #YomKippur Andy Ngo decided to start tagging me and Powell’s in what seems like an effort to get my book launch canceled. Threatening comments and harassment from his followers came next. We won’t be intimidated. The event will go on as planned.
#Jerusalem over 100,000 #Jews at the western wall. Before Day of Atonement #YomKippur
Einen friedvollen #YomKippur allen, die ihn feiern!
Und das war das am wenigsten kitschige gif, das ich finden konnte....
RT @Anzovina@twitter.com
Shalom, friends!!! Welcome to #JonahReactions! Get ready for #YomKippur by diving into the story of the prophet who tried to “quiet quit” his job…to INSTANTANEOUS regret! 😂 🐟 😱⛈ also I glued pearls to my eyelashes for this! 👁🫣
I think confessing / repenting weekly, rather than yearly, was a good Catholic innovation. A year is too long to remember all my sins, and 10 days too short to repent them.
And conceptually, I like the idea of repentance as a marathon, not a sprint. #YomKippur
RT @rbb24@twitter.com
@polizeiberlin@twitter.com @PolizeiBB@twitter.com @SawsanChebli@twitter.com Nach Schießerei in #Halle: Kanzlerin #Merkel und Berlins Staatssekretärin @SawsanChebli@twitter.com bekunden ihre Solidarität mit der jüdischen Gemeinde vor der Synagoge in der Oranienburger Straße in #Berlin. #YomKippur
#halle #merkel #berlin #yomkippur
Seal it with 🍻 #habeeriya #monkey #yomkippur #brewery https://t.co/EROD4qt959 https://t.co/uFS5UzZOTP
#habeeriya #monkey #yomkippur #brewery
Con i miei occhi. Occupazione e resistenza in Palestina visti da una donna in lotta https://radiovanloon.info/2019/03/02/felicia-langer-palestina-diritto/ #conflittoisraelo-palestinese #Conimieiocchi(F.Langer) #guerradeiSeigiorni #FeliciaLanger #testimonianze #resistenze #attivismo #biografia #comunismo #Palestina #YomKippur #2018-19 #memoria #donne #1967 #1973 #x
#conflittoisraelo #conimieiocchi #guerradeiseigiorni #felicialanger #testimonianze #resistenze #attivismo #biografia #comunismo #palestina #yomkippur #memoria #donne #x
Con i miei occhi. Occupazione e resistenza in Palestina visti da una donna in lotta https://radiovanloon.info/2019/03/04/felicia-langer-palestina-diritto/ #conflittoisraelo-palestinese #guerradeiSeigiorni #Conimieiocchi #FeliciaLanger #testimonianze #resistenze #attivismo #biografia #comunismo #Palestina #YomKippur #2018-19 #memoria #donne #1967 #1973 #x
#conflittoisraelo #guerradeiseigiorni #conimieiocchi #felicialanger #testimonianze #resistenze #attivismo #biografia #comunismo #palestina #yomkippur #memoria #donne #x
Current status. And yes, it was #YomKippur today, and I’m breaking the fast with baby back ribs. https://jawns.club/media/ByL6Y71HYctZJ3_wWIw