Doc Edward Morbius ⭕​ · @dredmorbius
2481 followers · 16130 posts · Server

I've just learned that Xoogler , chief architect of
and subsequently at both and , is now CTO and corporate vice president of identity and network access at Microsoft, as of this past December.

He's apparently written of this at LinkedIn though ... reading that requires an account and signing in to the site, neither of which I have or wish to do:

#yonatanzunger #googleplus #humu #birbsite

Last updated 1 year ago

Doc Edward Morbius ⭕​ · @dredmorbius
2480 followers · 16120 posts · Server

I've just learned that Xoogler , chief architect of
and subsequently at both and , is now CTO and
corporate vice president of identity and network access, as of this past December.

He's apparently written of this at LinkedIn though ... reading that
requires an account and signing in to the site, neither of which I have
or wish to do:

#yonatanzunger #googleplus #humu #birbsite

Last updated 1 year ago

Doc Edward Morbius ⭕​ · @dredmorbius
2071 followers · 14632 posts · Server

Forced revelation of information makes individual privilege more important (2014)

In practice, the forced revelation of information makes individual privilege and power more important. When everyone has to play with their cards on the table, so to speak, then people who feel like they can be themselves without consequence do so freely -- these generally being people with support groups of like-minded people, and who are neither economically nor physically vulnerable. People who are more vulnerable to consequences use concealment as a method of protection: it makes it possible to speak freely about controversial subjects, or even about any subjects, without fear of harassment.

-- Yonatan Zunger, chief architect of Google+

HN discussion:

#RealNames #anonymity #pseudonymity #identity #power #PowerRelationships #yonatanzunger #googleplus #DavidBrin #TransparentSociety

Last updated 3 years ago

Doc Edward Morbius ⭕​ · @dredmorbius
2071 followers · 14634 posts · Server

Tolerance is not a moral precept (2017)

Tolerance is not a moral absolute; it is a peace treaty. Tolerance is a social norm because it allows different people to live side-by-side without being at each other’s throats. It means that we accept that people may be different from us, in their customs, in their behavior, in their dress, in their sex lives, and that if this doesn’t directly affect our lives, it is none of our business. But the model of a peace treaty differs from the model of a moral precept in one simple way: the protection of a peace treaty only extends to those willing to abide by its terms. It is an agreement to live in peace, not an agreement to be peaceful no matter the conduct of others. A peace treaty is not a suicide pact.

#tolerance #PeaceTreaty #NotASuicidePact #paradoxoftolerance #morality #ethics #values #yonatanzunger

Last updated 4 years ago