Another introduction is needed for my love for #Kpop! I love #BTOB, one of the best ballad groups in Korea! My favorite song of theirs is called Butterfly. Their biggest hits are Only One For Me, Missing You, and Beautiful Pain. My bias from the group is #YookSungjae, the maknae. He is also a really good actor, and a good variety celeb, which everyone acknowledges. 😊
Let’s do a proper introduction! First, for my love for Korean entertainment and #Kdrama! I love #YookSungjae #KimSeonho #ParkBogum #LeeJunho #SongJihyo #ChaEunwoo and #LeeSangyi. I also like #SongHyekyo and #SongJoongki. I love #HometownChachacha #Goblin #DescendantsOfTheSun #TheRedSleeve #RunningMan #2D1N. I watch a lot of Korean variety shows and #Kdramas. I’ll probably be posting a lot of Kim Seonho content here. :)
#kdrama #yooksungjae #kimseonho #parkbogum #leejunho #songjihyo #chaeunwoo #leesangyi #songhyekyo #songjoongki #hometownchachacha #goblin #descendantsofthesun #theredsleeve #runningman #2d1n #kdramas
Currently searching for fellow fans of #BTOB #KimSeonho #YookSungjae #LeeJunho
#btob #kimseonho #yooksungjae #leejunho