@awinnef Bei Wicked Ones werden sie das flexible Magiesystem so viel mehr lieben ;-)
- #Spire
- #HotSpringsIsland
- Eine West Marches-Kampagne probieren
- #BandOfBlades
- #SwordsAndWizardry #YoonSuin
- #KoenigreichDerDornen für #SavageHeXXen
- #LegendsOfTheFiveRings ggf. aber mit #SavageWorlds
- #Dolmenwood vermutlich mit #SwordsAndWizardry, weil es mein Retroklon daheim ist.
- GDQ Kampagne
- #Deadlands
- #EyesOfTheStoneThief entweder mit #SwordsAndWizardry oder #SavageWorlds :D
#spire #hotspringsisland #bandofblades #swordsandwizardry #yoonsuin #koenigreichderdornen #savagehexxen #legendsofthefiverings #savageworlds #dolmenwood #deadlands #eyesofthestonethief
@Tim_Eagon Great pick! I was only able to get the pdf for the longest time and was thrilled to see a reprint. #YoonSuin @YochaigGal
Less than a week (one!) to go on the Kickstarter for Yoon-Suin: The Purple Land, 2nd Edition.
What's the fuss, you ask? Why, it's only the finest setting ever created for tabletop role-playing. What, was that too bold? This reviewer gets at the essence of it.
#yoonsuin #ttrpg #kickstarter #osr #thedream
I haven't seen anyone talk about it here, but the new edition of Yoon-Suin seems to be open for pre-orders : https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/thirdbluewizard/yoon-suin-the-purple-land/
Looks like it adds quite a bit of content over the first edition, including 12 detailed adventure locales. 🦀
I just backed Yoon-Suin: The Purple Land, 2nd Edition on @Kickstarter https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/thirdbluewizard/yoon-suin-the-purple-land #ttrpg #kickstarter #yoonsuin
If I could save a single book from an all-consuming conflagration, there's no question: that book would be Yoon-Suin: The Purple Land.
The Kickstarter for Yoon-Suin: The Purple Land, 2nd Edition is finally about to kick off. The pre-launch page for the Kickstarter just went up!
I'm so excited.