[Automatic repost https://twitter.com/dystobot/status/1650450820675059713]
RT @ohkathleenkiddo: Managing #chronicpain around the clock. The idea is to learn from it, sit with it, and stay present to avoid leaking it onto others. Thank you for the MERCY, #michaelshpak #acupuncture #naturopath #medicine #YOPD #parkinsons #dystonia https://t.co/FaI1V1V91j
#chronicpain #michaelshpak #acupuncture #naturopath #medicine #yopd #Parkinsons #dystonia
[Automatic repost https://twitter.com/dystobot/status/1648362040765956097]
RT @2youngforpd: The reality of Parkinson's: Dystonia. This is such a painful symptom that I feel needs more awareness @2youngforpd
#Parkinsonsuk #Cureparkinsons #spotlightyopd #yopd #Parkinsons #ParkinsonsAwarenessMonth #dystonia https://t.co/VqhfFx6ADd
#parkinsonsuk #cureparkinsons #spotlightyopd #yopd #Parkinsons #parkinsonsawarenessmonth #dystonia
If anyone has experience with Young Onset Parkinson’s Disease, I’d love to chat.
[Automatic repost https://twitter.com/dystobot/status/1645798915122528259]
RT @elliejfinch: Walk 8 #400kin40to40
Another 5k in the bag, photos from before the rain poured on us 🙈🌧
Dystonia and tremor had a go today - but I'm still ploughing on 💙
#parkinsons #yopd #WorldParkinsonsDay https://t.co/c9670olFjh
#400kin40to40 #Parkinsons #yopd #worldparkinsonsday
[Automatic repost https://twitter.com/dystobot/status/1642857024961560576]
RT @ohkathleenkiddo: @actionhappiness And when disability prevents me from going outside, I adapt with modifications indoors.#Dystonia #parkinsons #YOPD
[Automatic repost https://twitter.com/dystobot/status/1639650940390375424]
RT @KathleenKiddo: I'm stuck! https://t.co/aXoqXganmG via @YouTube #Parkisnonslookslikeme #YOPD #Parkisnons #Offtimes #Dystonia #Bradykinesia #kathleenkiddo
#parkisnonslookslikeme #yopd #parkisnons #offtimes #dystonia #bradykinesia #kathleenkiddo
[Automatic repost https://twitter.com/dystobot/status/1638159833319743490]
RT @ohkathleenkiddo: When meds fail completely and MDs offer no viable treatment. Then what? Without warning and following the same schedule (or not), my body is capable/walking, then suddenly #off #paralytic #dystonia #agony #rigidity #disability #Bradykinesia #sciatica #YOPD #DBS #falling #loss
#off #paralytic #dystonia #agony #rigidity #disability #bradykinesia #sciatica #yopd #DBS #falling #loss
[Automatic repost https://twitter.com/dystobot/status/1637484197924290563]
RT @ohkathleenkiddo: @Treboreneek Come as you are. No time to judge over here. I’m too busy wrestling with gravity! #parkinsons #yopd #dystonia #chronicillness #samsara #shenpa then…#tonglen
#Parkinsons #yopd #dystonia #chronicillness #samsara #shenpa #tonglen
[Automatic repost https://twitter.com/dystobot/status/1635673420162629634]
RT @ohkathleenkiddo: On the shimmering quality we seek, even in our pain: “ …boxed into fetal position between jars of dried leaves” @KCampanello Brilliant interview! Staying in the body, #dystonia #creativity #poetry #communicating #parkinsons #YOPD https://t.co/AGWzJ8j2WT
#dystonia #creativity #poetry #communicating #Parkinsons #yopd
[Automatic repost https://twitter.com/dystobot/status/1628907697398599682]
RT @Saralitta: Success!
Should I post the five second injection video, too?
#Botox #dystonia #yopd #Parkinsons
[Automatic repost https://twitter.com/dystobot/status/1628783047368638467]
RT @Saralitta: Send your brave thoughts my way. I’m getting Botox injections in the muscle marbles that have formed in my feet due to #Dystonia
#yopd https://t.co/v6Fk0hTZkj
@gamesbymanuel @bobcgames My issue with roll isn’t cheating, but it’s tangentially related. I have #YOPD. Small dice like in roll are far too small for me to properly set up the dice without fumbling them.
It’s terribly frustrating for me. And similar to Manuel, I find the setup, transport, and play of Race much less cumbersome.
But I’m glad people find enjoyment in it.
#RaceForTheGalaxy #RollForTheGalaxy.
#yopd #raceforthegalaxy #rollforthegalaxy
[Automatic repost https://twitter.com/dystobot/status/1624436885593415680]
RT @millerdrrebecca: Dystonia and akathisia at the same time? Yes! Thanks Parkinson’s! #yopd #pd #thanksparkinsons #parkinsons @PdAvengers https://t.co/8q0XziNAnF
#yopd #pd #thanksparkinsons #Parkinsons
Last night I was unable to sleep until about 1 am. I have #YOPD and with that #Cataplexy and #Narcolepsy. A whole bag of crappy. 😹
[Automatic repost https://twitter.com/dystobot/status/1619870622242177024]
RT @margueritejeune: Still sucks to #yopd but the jet lag is killing me #dystonia and #insomnia and #freezing are trying to take the shine off my #HoneyMoon #nochance #fupd https://t.co/sQLwOgZ4A5
#yopd #dystonia #insomnia #freezing #honeymoon #nochance #fupd
[Automatic repost https://twitter.com/dystobot/status/1616107044309803014]
RT @ohkathleenkiddo: @Parkinsonsandme Parkinson’s medications lose their efficacy over time so we are forced into the torture of prescribing and deprescribing, repeatedly. The equivalent of playing whack-a-mole! #yopd #Parkinsonsdisease #oldschoolParkie #huntingdopamine #chronicpain #dystonia #bradykinesia #PwP
#yopd #ParkinsonsDisease #oldschoolparkie #huntingdopamine #chronicpain #dystonia #bradykinesia #pwp
@tobiasgray Unfortunately, my #YOPD precludes the ability to a great extent, but I totally agree. The inability to just keep deleting sentence after sentence drives you forward.
I think that is why many authors who used typewriters were so prolific. It combined advantages of word processing and hand writing.
[Automatic repost https://twitter.com/dystobot/status/1607658845748297729]
RT @millerdrrebecca: Middle of the night dystonia - left foot is intensely curled. Imagining a world without meds. Yikes. So grateful that there is something that generally works for this for now. #dystonia #yopd #latenightthoughts #grateful
#dystonia #yopd #latenightthoughts #grateful
@ElizabethLeeCo it is a way of conveying the suffering of one person by diminishing the suffering of others.
For instance, I have #YOPD. If I were to say my suffering is worse than yours I’d be entering that toxic mind state.