The satellite view of the #YorkUniversity intersection at Murray Ross Pkwy and Evelyn Wiggins Dr hasn't been updated yet, but you can see the protected bidirectional bike lanes are extended into the intersection. This was completed last year and looks lovely. Hopefully it's been lively this summer as well.
We had a wonderful open day at
the #UniversityOfYork yesterday. Everyone was so helpful and informative. It's in a lovely setting, the #Astrocampus especially. Our lad was taken with it, said it had a "good vibe". We couldn't disagree. #UniOpenDays #Ducks #YorkUniversity #PhysicsWithAstrophysics #Yorkshire
#universityofyork #astrocampus #uniopendays #ducks #yorkuniversity #physicswithastrophysics #yorkshire
There Is Always An Alternative: Remarks presented to #YorkUniversityβs Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies Graduating Class of 2023
#ScienceFiction #Inevitabalism #AgainstPrediction #GoLudditesGo #Polycrisis #TheSwerve
#yorkuniversity #sciencefiction #inevitabalism #againstprediction #goludditesgo #Polycrisis #TheSwerve
Day one (minus one?) of Congress. Lazy morning, then gonna go attend a lecture about climate anxiety, woot.
#conference #congress2023 #clomateanxiety #yorkuniversity
Now that I've switched instances, it's time for an #introduction toot.
Hi Mastodon, I'm Stephen Childs. I am a #Canadian from #ThunderBay now living in #Kitchener.
I'm interested in #ttrpg #boardgames #scifi #fantasy
I studied economics at #LakeheadUniversity and #wlu and am interested in #DataScience #statistics #Python and #RStats At #YorkUniversity I work to better understand our #data.
I am currently a board member of #CIRPA #InstitutionalResearch #IRwatercooler
#introduction #canadian #thunderbay #kitchener #ttrpg #boardgames #scifi #fantasy #lakeheaduniversity #wlu #datascience #statistics #python #rstats #yorkuniversity #data #cirpa #institutionalresearch #irwatercooler
Global News BC: βA beautiful community:β Canadian universities open lounges for Black students #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #torontoMetropolitanUniversity #loungesforBlackstudents #Blackcommunity #YorkUniversity #blackstudents #georgefloyd #Canada #Campus #TMU
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #torontometropolitanuniversity #loungesforblackstudents #blackcommunity #yorkuniversity #blackstudents #GeorgeFloyd #Canada #campus #tmu
So, AI-generated essays and spy cams in exam centres at #YorkUniversity and #UofT. Massive tech-assisted cheating going on.
This is the result of management ignoring (1) pandemic lessons learned and (2) two decades of tech trends.
Clear skies, robot domes and planets showing off tonight at AICO, perfect for our YouTube Mars guest speaker (YorkU grad student: Conor Hayes) talk can be found here: #mars #science #telescope #yorkuniversity #observatory #observations
#mars #science #telescope #yorkuniversity #observatory #observations
I bring my #corsirosenthalbox to class. Helps clean the air for my students and all the people I work with at #YorkUniversity.
#corsirosenthalbox #yorkuniversity
Next week, over 500 #YorkUniversity engineering students will be calibrating their eCO2 sensors on campus. We're teaching them about air quality and the importance of recording sensor bias when doing engineering measurements.
PhD student in #sts at #yorkuniversity in #toronto , former #developer #uxdesign #productmanagement in #bayarea #raleighdurham and TO. Interested in #software team #values vs #bigtech hegemony; #justice ; #psychology ; #secular #spirituality & #unitarianuniversalism ; #comedy ; #absurdity ; psyches as systems
#introduction #psychology #secular #spirituality #sts #yorkuniversity #toronto #developer #uxdesign #productmanagement #bayarea #raleighdurham #software #values #bigtech #justice #unitarianuniversalism #comedy #absurdity