41 years ago:
Paradise (CA)
After their caravan is attacked and their respective families butchered by Arab marauders, teenagers David and Sarah flee across the desert. But the desert is filled with danger from the elements, animals and the unwholesome appetite of the Jackal, a sheik who wants Sarah for himself. However, the d...
#Paradise #WillieAames #PhoebeCates #YosefShiloach #ClassicMovies
#paradise #willieaames #phoebecates #yosefshiloach #classicmovies
51 years ago:
I Love You Rosa (IL)
Original title: Ani Ohev Otach Rosa
This story centers on the Jewish practice that requires an unmarried brother to marry the childless widow of his dead brother. In this story the younger brother is only 12 years old when his brother dies. The requirement is avoided by a legal fiction, but as time passes in the story, the situation c...
#ILoveYouRosa #YosefShiloach #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#iloveyourosa #yosefshiloach #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film