Don't think I completely forgot about this Blueberry month thing. :U
Unfortunately, Ernie didn't get the memo during this bizarre candy factory tour, and thus is paying the price. The best flavors are always blue, so I don't blame him. :B
#Yoshi #Ernie #YoshiErnie #awesome #Jess #Jessica #koopa #girl #cute #blueberry #inflation
#yoshi #ernie #yoshiernie #awesome #Jess #jessica #koopa #girl #cute #blueberry #inflation
Catalyseur is the only person I know that can manage to blow me up twice at the same time. :B Guess he's got himself two birthday balloons, and it's not even his birthday! :U
It's mine. O:
A commish for the aforementioned
#Yoshi #Erine #YoshiErine #femaleYoshiErnie #Ernie #YoshiErnie #awesome
#yoshi #erine #yoshierine #femaleyoshiernie #ernie #yoshiernie #awesome
It's late, but I've got one more for ya! :B
.....Guys, I think Jess is doing this on purpose. She knows he's into this schtick. o3o
To be fair, both of them are. :U
#Yoshi #Ernie #YoshiErnie #awesome #Jess #Jessica #koopa #girl #cute #2Fit2Quit #exerciseoutfit #blueberry #inflation
#yoshi #ernie #yoshiernie #awesome #Jess #jessica #koopa #girl #cute #2fit2quit #exerciseoutfit #blueberry #inflation
In a bizarre twist of fate, this strange drink that was supposed to help my fitness routine ended up making me large, round, and transparent. That's the exact opposite of what I wanted! I wanna be fit and opaque, dang it! >:U
At least it's pear flavored. :B
#Yoshi #Ernie #YoshiErnie #awesome #exerciseoutfit #2Fit2Quit #slimecreature #drink
#yoshi #ernie #yoshiernie #awesome #exerciseoutfit #2fit2quit #slimecreature #drink
Compliments FROM the chef. :V
I noticed that people like when I roundify my main Yoshi sona as much as they enjoy roundifying YoshiErine. :B So here ya go, a little self indulgence from yours truly. XP
Loosely based on a pic I made around........13 years ago!? Man, I've been around for a while. O: Anywayz, here's the link to the old pic so you can see just how much I've improved. :b
#yoshi #ernie #yoshiernie #awesome