A small family struggles to repair itself after eight years of wartime separation in Heinosuke Gosho’s post-war melodrama, Yellow Crow. https://wp.me/p1x9li-jIU
#JapaneseCinema #JapaneseFilm #FilmReview #Film #HeinosukeGosho #YoshikoKuga #ChikageAwashima #YunosukeIto
#japanesecinema #japanesefilm #filmreview #film #heinosukegosho #yoshikokuga #chikageawashima #yunosukeito
67 years ago:
Farewell to Dream (JP)
Original title: 夕やけ雲
A coming-of-age story portrayed as the loss of all youthful illusions. Sixteen-year-old Yoichi dreams of becoming a sailor. His parents are fishmongers, and Yoichi lives together with them and his four siblings in cramped living conditions. His beloved younger sister is given to a wealthy, childless...
#FarewelltoDream #TakahiroTamura #YoshikoKuga #IsuzuYamada #YoshiSugihara #Movies
#farewelltodream #takahirotamura #yoshikokuga #isuzuyamada #yoshisugihara #movies
73 years ago:
Till We Meet Again (JP)
Original title: また逢う日まで
Saburo and Keiko fall in love with each other but the tide of war separates them.
#TillWeMeetAgain #YoshikoKuga #EijiOkada #HarukoSugimura #Film
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