I’m rather astonished, and delighted to find that Running With Horses is on the longlist for the Yoto Carnegie medal. Thank you to all the librarians and schools staff who took the time to read it and vote. #YotoCarnegie #childrensbooks #publishing
#publishing #childrensbooks #yotocarnegie
My #Introduction continued! To my great surprise and delight my last two books were both nominated for the YOTO Carnegie awards, and my current #WorkInProgress is a novel exploring toxic love. I have a special interest in inclusivity, diversity in literature and publishing, mental health issues, and representation in children’s fiction of those living on the margins of society. Do get in touch if you feel like it. 2/2. #illustrations #fiction #publishing #kidslit #HarryPotter #YotoCarnegie
#yotocarnegie #HarryPotter #kidslit #publishing #fiction #illustrations #WorkInProgress #Introduction
My #Introduction continued! To my great surprise and delight my last two books were both nominated for the YOTO Carnegie awards, and my current #WorkInProgress is a novel exploring toxic love. I have a special interest in inclusivity, diversity in literature and publishing, mental health issues, and representation in children’s fiction of those living on the margins of society. Do get in touch if you feel like it. 2/2. #illustrations #fiction #publishing #kidslit #HarryPotter #YotoCarnegie
#yotocarnegie #HarryPotter #kidslit #publishing #fiction #illustrations #WorkInProgress #Introduction
Intro continued! … To my great surprise and delight, my last two books were both nominated for the YOTO Carnegie awards in the UK, and my current #WIP is a novel exploring toxic love. I have a special interest in inclusivity, diversity in literature and publishing, mental health and representation in children’s fiction of those on the margins of society. Do get in touch if you feel like it. Glad to be here! 2/2 #illustration #fiction #publishing #kidslit #HarryPotter #YotoCarnegie
#yotocarnegie #HarryPotter #kidslit #publishing #fiction #Illustration #WIP
RT @Schoolbookclubs@twitter.com
We have signed copies of @tompalmerauthor@twitter.com's #YotoCarnegie nominated Resist and Arctic Star to give away🎉
Just follow us and RT this competition tweet.
Ts&Cs: https://buff.ly/3WZIEFm
#TeamEnglish #TLChat #LestWeForget
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Schoolbookclubs/status/1591841671100387329
#lestweforget #tlchat #teamenglish #yotocarnegie