Chenél No.1 · @chenelno1
23 followers · 394 posts · Server

The cares of today are done
The worries of tomorrow can wate.
Now is the time for rest.
The time to give ones body and mind a break.
You are worthy of a full nights sleep
Resting and sleep is crucial to existence.
So take some deep breaths and succumb to the bliss of sweet slumber.
Good Night.

#positivevibes #healtheysleep #sleep #youareworthy

Last updated 1 year ago

Dylan Greene · @kneedeep35
0 followers · 1 posts · Server
Momma Zanne (Mrs. Hooker) · @zannetastic
17 followers · 67 posts · Server

Word got out to the that mom was posting things about the crazy here. She insisted that deserve too. So my wants you to know that and she loves you the way that only a slobbery can. With lots of .

#gemma #princesspuppy #tinykitten #bigdogs #representation #dog #youareworthy #stbernard #drool

Last updated 2 years ago

10 followers · 6 posts · Server
Catherine Wilks · @catherinewilks
36 followers · 57 posts · Server

So many of us live in the experience of not having enough, not being enough, and not doing enough.

Insidious beliefs around where we “should” be or what we “should” be able to do are shared as if they were fact.

Stopping to ask “what do I need” and “what do I want” is seen as a nice to have… or even a luxury… rather than the necessity that it truly is.

Your life is a piece of art. The relationship you have with yourself is the most important one in your life ❤️

#youareenough #youareworthy

Last updated 2 years ago

JohnsNotHere :verified: · @JohnsNotHere
523 followers · 1089 posts · Server

For those of you suffering from , start listening carefully to those who claim to be "experts". You'll find that you have nothing to worry about.

#impostersyndrome #infosec #youareworthy

Last updated 2 years ago

Are you part of the LGBTQIA+ community? Struggling with homophobic family, coming out or self-acceptance? Let's Take a Selfish together!

Take a Selfish and check out my blog!

This blog is as much for you as it is me. Sure, it's therapeutic to put my thoughts into writing. But in doing so, I hope you can learn, grow, and find inspiration, strength and courage. (1)

#lgbtqia #blog #takeaselfish #youmatter #youareworthy #YouAreNotAlone

Last updated 2 years ago