15 books to get to know me
- #UnderstandingMedia by #MarshallMcluhan
- #ExpandedCinema by #GeneYoungblood
- #TheMythofSisyphus by #AlbertCamus
- #NakedLunch by #WilliamSBurroughs
- #ParableSeries by #OctaviaEButler
- #OntheRoad by #JackKerouac
- #MondoUtah by #TrentHarris
- #YouCan'tWin by #JackBlack (no, not that one)
- #MobyDick by #HermanMelville
- #PeopleoftheAbyss by #JackLondon
- #SpurtofBlood by #AntoninArtaud
- #ShockDoctrine by #NaomiKlein
-anything by #Samuel Beckett
-random #HughNibley article
-anything by #ChrisHedges
#understandingmedia #marshallmcluhan #expandedcinema #geneyoungblood #themythofsisyphus #albertcamus #nakedlunch #WilliamSBurroughs #parableseries #OctaviaEButler #ontheroad #jackkerouac #mondoutah #trentharris #youcan #jackblack #mobydick #HermanMelville #peopleoftheabyss #jacklondon #spurtofblood #antoninartaud #shockdoctrine #naomiklein #samuel #hughnibley #chrishedges
Si vous parlez français et avez besoin d'un "boost" dans votre journée, prenez le temps de vivre ET d’écouter cette très belle chanson. Vous ne savez pas quand la vie pourrait couper le courant…
#LaVieSimplement (#MickaëlMiro)
#LeTempsDeVivre #Chanson #ChansonFrançaise #Francophone #Francophiles #French #VidéoMusique #WantToLearnFrench? #LearnFrench #YouCan
#laviesimplement #mickaelmiro #letempsdevivre #chanson #chansonfrancaise #francophone #francophiles #french #videomusique #wanttolearnfrench #learnfrench #youcan
Wired: Bug in Google Markup, Windows Photo-Cropping Tools Exposes Removed Image Data https://www.wired.com/story/acropalyse-google-markup-windows-photo-cropping-bug/ #Tech #wired #TechNews #IT #Technology via @morganeogerbc #Security/SecurityNews #Security/Privacy #vulnerabilities #YouCan'tHide #Microsoft #Security #software #security #Google
#Tech #wired #technews #it #technology #security #vulnerabilities #youcan #microsoft #software #google
Apply NOW for courses starting in August 2023. With our wide range of subjects at a various levels, YOU CAN find the right course to prepare you for the future. Find out more and apply at: http://ow.ly/uPIM50Mxv8A
#YouCan #StudyWhatYouLove #GCCBelong
#gccbelong #studywhatyoulove #youcan
Impossible is nothing. #YouCan #BelieveIt #YouBetterBelieveIt https://www.foxnews.com/sports/zion-clark-mma-fighter-born-without-legs-wins-first-pro-mma-fight
#youcan #believeit #youbetterbelieveit
#hopesandprayers for #georgia election outcome tomorrow. Just back from north Georgia. Heavy turnout in #rural part of the state dominated by older white voters. I was born there #strangerinastrangeland #youcan’tgohomeagain
#youcan #strangerinastrangeland #rural #georgia #hopesandprayers
President #Obama campaigning for #Warnock- his speech today gave me chills- #YouCan’tBeTired . He’s the best, the greatest speaker for the democrats. #LoveObama #ComeOnGeorgia!!!
#comeongeorgia #loveobama #youcan #Warnock #Obama
Hoy llegaron mis primeras expansiones para el #FireflyTheGame !!
Gracias #JugamosUna !!
#Boardgames #CrazyIvan #Firefly #JayneHat #Kalidasa
#fireflythegame #jugamosuna #boardgames #crazyivan #firefly #jaynehat #Kalidasa #youcan
#IlyasAhmed + Jefre #CantuLedesma - #Never #Sleep At #Night | #YouCan See Your Own #WayOut | #MiscMusic | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaeIkxkBvYE
#IlyasAhmed #CantuLedesma #never #sleep #night #youcan #wayout #MiscMusic