@ArjanHarlaar Volgende keer als jij in een orkaan of aardbeving zit zal ik voor jou bidden en aan je denken. #YouDeserveIt!
“Everything you think you need to do, was done before you, and will be done after you. So do nothing. You do it best, when you do nothing at all.”
#youdeserveit #justsayno #elevenoclockclub
#MerryChristmas to me
Even though it’s not until Sunday
2 Books - Practical Malware Analysis & This is how they tell me the world ends (the cyber weapons arms race)
In support of the holiday hack challenges:
#tryhackme hoodie
#tryhackme the bandit yeti #AdventOfCyber2022 tshirt
#sansinstitute holiday hack challenge shirt #kringlecon2022
#merrychristmas #tryhackme #adventofcyber2022 #sansinstitute #kringlecon2022 #treatyourself #youdeserveit