Idk how other people are understanding the statement #covid is #airborneHIV #airborneAIDS but #noScienceGirl here who DOES have💪🏼#liberalArts background interprets this statement as a metaphor/analogy
my grasp of #biology is weak/nonexistent but hyper interest in aging,avoiding #cancer ,disease & lifelong #germaphobeGalore DO get basic things
Yeah, i get #sarscov2 doesn’t reverse transcript #DNA but again,would gamble w/infection of former vs. latter but #whatever #masklessHoards #youDoYouBoo 🙄
#covid #airbornehiv #airborneaids #nosciencegirl #liberalarts #biology #cancer #germaphobegalore #sarscov2 #dna #whatever #masklesshoards #youdoyouboo
came to this conclusion July 2022 when 2 ancient ninnies nearly gave me a #sarscov2 infection after briefly opening my door for 30 secs & stupidly un-masking after closing🚪
1 of them visibly sick again circa Nov but was imho #asymptomatic spreading everywhere she went & still is
So yes,constant infection DOES hide severe symptoms but #viralPersistence & constant exposure…is a recipe for a slow yet simultaneously quick☠️🪦
#sarscov2 #asymptomatic #viralpersistence #youdoyouboo #whatever