@ChamomileHangover I took a position like that, starting salary was less than I made in 2003.
Solved the problem by not quitting my existing job. Been happily working both jobs for the last 8 months. ;-)
Grund 30.3.23: Weil Du nicht nur weißt, wie das alles auf dem Kleinlaster wirklich geschrieben wird...
Sondern auch, was das jeweils ist.
#nach18jahren #rechtschreibekorrektur #yougetwhatyoupayfor
Grund 30.3.23: Weil Du nicht nur weißt, wie das alles auf dem Kleinlaster wirklich geschrieben wird...
Sondern auch, was das jeweils ist.
#nach18jahren #rechtschreibekorrektur #yougetwhatyoupayfor
Blueberries completely without flavor. I had to take a swig of coffee to make sure I hadn’t lost my sense of taste. Guess that’s why they were a $1.99. #YouGetWhatYouPayFor
I won't pay the new owner of Twitter a single penny, but happy to support Mastodon!
Please consider becoming a Mastodon patron (see the "about" page), and/or donate to the server that you have chosen to reside upon.
#Patreon #YouGetWhatYouPayFor
LOL, I ordered this lock Oct 18! It took 4 months to get here!
I popped it in less time then it took me to open the package.
"Security is our Target". Well, you've missed, again. (I'm not bragging. This is the second lock I've gotten from this company. I swear, there is only one pin doing any locking at all!)