@HannahHowe Thanks for your reply! You’re confirming what I’m not seeing when I hunt for books online. I’m surprised that there’s not a reliable go-to source, and it goes to show how much research #KarinaLongworth must have done for her #JoanCrawford podcasts on #YouMustRememberThis She delved so deeply into JC’s early years, affairs, and relationship with Christina that I was hoping to find an equally compelling biography.
#youmustrememberthis #joancrawford #karinalongworth
#YouKnow... #AllTheRisk #AndAllThat...?
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 🥪🥓🍩🦄🍩🥓🥪
#youmustrememberthis #youknow #alltherisk #andallthat
@Sheril Yes, please! Facts and stories from the book "The Science of Kissing" is the kind of cutting edge knowledge propagation we should all be paying close attention to.
#PropagationStation #YouMustRememberThis #KissingIsGoodForEverything #AKissIsJustASigh
#akissisjustasigh #kissingisgoodforeverything #youmustrememberthis #propagationstation
@SarahOConnell In addition to those already mentioned, The Woman King, X and Pearl, Parallel Mothers, Crimes of the Future, Moonage Daydream (#Bowie doc), Bodies Bodies Bodies. Also enjoyed watching some older movies like 10 and American Gigolo (discussed on #YouMustRememberThis podcast) and All That Jazz.