69% of Meme Coin Investors Buy for Fun — Study Delves Into Investor Sentiments on Meme Coins - A new study conducted in May 2023 sought to uncover insights, perspectives, and ou... - https://news.bitcoin.com/69-of-meme-coin-investors-buy-for-fun-study-delves-into-investor-sentiments-on-meme-coins/ #long-terminvestments #marketcapitalization #investmentsentiment #youngergenerations #globaltradevolume #practicalusecases #cryptoinvestors #cryptocurrency #dogecoin(doge) #shibainu(shib) #study
#study #shibainu #dogecoin #cryptocurrency #cryptoinvestors #practicalusecases #globaltradevolume #youngergenerations #investmentsentiment #marketcapitalization #long
Does your local councillor understand the plight of #youngergenerations? Ask these questions to see whether they understand the financial and emotional strain #youngpeople face due to the #housingcrisis #bills #transportcosts and the many local services pulled from their generation - such as #youthservices #playschemes #sportsfacilities. #voting #transport #DemocraticDeficit #localelections2023
#youngergenerations #youngpeople #housingcrisis #bills #transportcosts #youthservices #playschemes #sportsfacilities #voting #transport #democraticdeficit #localelections2023
Does your local councillor understand the plight of #youngergenerations? That means understanding the financial and emotional strain #youngpeople face due to the #housingcrisis #bills #transportcosts and the many local services pulled from their generation - such as #youthservices #playschemes #sportsfacilities. Does that mean #voting for younger councillors who may better represent the interests of #youngergenerations? #democraticdeficit
#youngergenerations #youngpeople #housingcrisis #bills #transportcosts #youthservices #playschemes #sportsfacilities #voting #democraticdeficit
A new way of engaging in #politics📣? ERC grantee & @Falling_Walls winner @EevaLuhtakallio is looking at how #youngergenerations are using #socialmedia to engage, creating #impact through visual branding.
More ➡️ https://bit.ly/3G28x1h
@helsinkiuni https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-KlZLTH9q4
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ERC_Research/status/1589604127377879041
#politics #youngergenerations #SocialMedia #impact