El 31 de agosto de 1962 nace el actor Dee Bradley Baker. Él interpreta a los clones en The Clone Wars, Rebels y The Bad Batch; y a Nubs en Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures.
On August 31, 1962, actor Dee Bradley Baker was born. He plays the clones in The Clone Wars, Rebels, and The Bad Batch; and Nubs in Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures.
#StarWars #DeeBradleyBaker #TheCloneWars #Rebels #StarWarsRebels #TheBadBatch #YoungJediAdventures
#youngjediadventures #thebadbatch #StarWarsRebels #rebels #theclonewars #deebradleybaker #starwars
Nash Durango
Nash Durango was a human female pilot from Tenoo who lived during the High Republic Era. She, along with her droid RJ-83, helped her parents' shuttle company and transported many things with her shuttle, the Crimson Firehawk.
#Characters #D6 #D6Stats #RPGGM #StarWars #StarWarsD6 #SWRPG #swrpggm #YJA #YoungJediAdventures
#characters #d6 #d6stats #rpggm #starwars #starwarsd6 #swrpg #swrpggm #yja #youngjediadventures
Kai Brightstar
Kai Brightstar was a human male Jedi youngling sent to the forest planet Tenoo for training during the High Republic Era.
#Characters #D6 #D6Stats #RPGGM #StarWars #StarWarsD6 #SWRPG #swrpggm #YJA #YoungJediAdventures
#characters #d6 #d6stats #rpggm #starwars #starwarsd6 #swrpg #swrpggm #yja #youngjediadventures
Filmy i seriale:
Wygaszacze relaksacyjne z Andorem, Kenobim, Calem Kestisem i Nubsem
Zbliża się weekend, wielu z Was pewnie siedzi w pracy, mamy więc dla Was trzy gwiezdnowojenne video relaksacyjno-wygaszaczowe. Tym razem z Cassianem Andorem na wakacjach, Calem Kestisem (z gry "Jedi: Fallen Order"), Obi-Wanem Kenobim w jaskini i młodym rycerzem Jedi - Nubsem - w hamaku. A także - pogrążoną w nocnym mroku "salą tronową" Jabby.[…]
#Fahrenheit_zin #GwiezdneWojny #StarWars #ObiWanKenobi #Andor #Kenobi #CassianAndor #YoungJediAdventures #CalKestis #Nubs #FallenOrder #StarWarsJedi #Upadłyzakon #wygaszacze
#fahrenheit_zin #gwiezdnewojny #starwars #obiwankenobi #andor #kenobi #cassianandor #youngjediadventures #calkestis #nubs #fallenorder #starwarsjedi #upadlyzakon #wygaszacze
Young Jedi Adventures: Jamaal Avery Jr. and Juliet Donenfeld discuss the show
Meet the stars of Young Jedi Adventures.
Filmy i seriale:
Piąty i szósty mini-epizod „Young Jedi Adventures”
Na kanale Disney Junior emitowany jest, adresowany do młodszej widowni, serial "Young Jedi Adventures". Na Disney+ trafiły już wszystkie odcinki jego pierwszego sezonu.
Jednak zanim sięgniecie po serial, możecie za darmo obejrzeć jeszcze dwa prezentujące jego bohaterów mini-epizody[…]
#Fahrenheit_zin #serial #GwiezdneWojny #StarWars #animacja #Disney #YoungJediAdventures #filmanimowany #DisneyJunior
#fahrenheit_zin #serial #gwiezdnewojny #starwars #animacja #disney #youngjediadventures #filmanimowany #disneyjunior
#QueenCharlotte #Bupkis #AnimalControl #CallMeKat #TheOtherTwo #Flipping101 #StarWarsVisions #YoungJediAdventures #SVU #GreysAnatomy #YoungSheldon #Walker #BattleBots #BBQAcrossAmerica #FixMyFlip #LoneStarMurders #BratLovesJudy
#bratlovesjudy #lonestarmurders #fixmyflip #bbqacrossamerica #battlebots #walker #youngsheldon #greysanatomy #svu #youngjediadventures #StarWarsVisions #flipping101 #TheOtherTwo #callmekat #animalcontrol #bupkis #queencharlotte
El 4 de mayo de 2023 se estrena la serie animada Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures, y sale a la venta su tema principal en formato digital.
On May 4, 2023, the animated series Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures premieres, and its main theme goes on sale in digital format.
#youngjediadventures #starwarssoundtrack #starwars
I just saw a commercial for Young Jedi Adventures. You know children are going to be traumatized in the episode finale when Anakin visits the younglings in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.
#StarWars #Disney #youngjediadventures
The Young Jedi Adventures are now on Disney+. This show is aimed at little kids. It has colorful characters and it's cute. Not really my type of show but each episode is just 3-5 minutes long so I watched them all. #youngjediadventures #starwars #Disneyplus
#youngjediadventures #starwars #disneyplus
Star Wars - The Bad Batch: 3. und letzte Staffel bestellt #StarWarsCelebration #StarWarsTheBadBatch #TalesOfTheJedi #YoungJediAdventures
#youngjediadventures #talesofthejedi #starwarsthebadbatch #starwarscelebration
Filmy i seriale:
„Young Jedi Adventures” – kolejny mini-epizod
Pisaliśmy o trzech, ale oto pojawił się czwarty mini-epizod gwiezdnowojennej animacji "Young Jedi Adventures" - "Nubs and the Flower Fiasco". Ciekawe ile ich jeszcze zdążymy obejrzeć przed oficjalną premierą serii?[…]
#Fahrenheit_zin #GwiezdneWojny #StarWars #animacja #YoungJediAdventures #Jedi #ZakonJedi
#fahrenheit_zin #gwiezdnewojny #starwars #animacja #youngjediadventures #jedi #zakonjedi
Filmy i seriale:
„Young Jedi Adventures”
Za pomocą serii "Young Jedi Adventures" Disney sięga po jeszcze młodszego widza, niż robił to Lucas kręcąc "The Phantom Menace". Oto jej trzy pierwsze - legalnie dostępne - mini-epizody (premiera res[…]
#Fahrenheit_zin #GwiezdneWojny #StarWars #YoungJediAdventures #Jedi #ZakonJedi #TheJediOrder
#fahrenheit_zin #gwiezdnewojny #starwars #youngjediadventures #jedi #zakonjedi #thejediorder
New #StarWars #tvshow coming! #YoungJediAdventures. It’s for kids born in the 80’s right? https://twitter.com/starwars/status/1640379413119287301?s=12&t=Z6i9bnGK888udHdO7ghPjA
#starwars #tvshow #youngjediadventures
#YoungJediAdventures: Am 4. Mai startet #StarWars-Animationsserie bei #Disney+
#youngjediadventures #starwars #disney
En France, ça s'appellera « Star Wars Les Aventures des Petits Jedi »
Ce sera d'abord sur D+ le 4 mai puis sur Disney Junior deux jours après
RT @cloneweb
Deux images de la série jeunesse #YoungJediAdventures qui démarre le 4 mai prochain sur Disney+
Hâte de montrer ça à mes neveux
Ok, enough drama. Time for something more fun.
You ever notice sometimes in animation, especially animation aimed at younger viewers, they make character heads proportionally larger than normal. I'm told this is usually done to make the characters more expressive and easier to convey emotions and such. And huge eyes are adorable too.
But every now and then I find myself thinking... ...how do they scratch when they have an itch on the top of their head? Because usually their arms aren't nearly long enough to reach.
#youngjediadventures #bluey #animation #randomness #cartoons
#youngjediadventures #bluey #animation #randomness #cartoons
Young Jedi Adventures: Starttermin zur Star-Wars-Kinderserie #YoungJediAdventures #StarWars
#starwars #youngjediadventures
Deux images de la série jeunesse #YoungJediAdventures qui démarre le 4 mai prochain sur Disney+
Hâte de montrer ça à mes neveux
#ThisWeekInStarWars zeigt erste Bilder aus der Kinderserie #YoungJediAdventures, die in der Hohen Republik spielt, und enthüllt das Kinderbuch-Begleitprogramm zur Serie, die am 4. Mai auf Disney+ startet! - https://jedi-bibliothek.de/2023/02/young-jedi-adventures-erste-einblicke-buchprogramm/ #StarWars
#thisweekinstarwars #youngjediadventures #starwars