Access to programming education is crucial for the future of our tamariki in Aotearoa, as technology continues to shape our world. By providing access to programming education, we can help tamariki develop essential problem-solving, logical thinking, and creativity skills that will serve them throughout their lives. Let's find ways to ensure that every child in Aotearoa has access to programming education. Step 1 is awareness. #ProgrammingEducation #DigitalSkills #YoungLearners #DigitalNatives
#ProgrammingEducation #DigitalSkills #younglearners #digitalnatives
Prof. Schauer gave a presentation with the title "Exploring the potential of 4 graphic novels for teaching L2 #pragmatics to young #EFL learners in primary school" at the University of Oxford today. #L2Pragmatics, #GraphicNovels , #YoungLearners
#pragmatics #efl #l2pragmatics #graphicnovels #younglearners
Hello Fediverse! Can anyone point me in the direction of development of instances used for collaborative online learning between students at educational institutions (such as COIL or VEs). I am looking desperately for an alternative to Flip (previously FLipgrid) since Microsoft bought it and cast aside young learners. #education #video_essays #younglearners
#younglearners #video_essays #education