Already submitted an application/suggestion for the #JohannaMestorfAward? If not - it is still possible until tomorrow!
#Archaeology #socioenvironmental #landscapearchaeology #youngresearcher #youngscientists
#youngscientists #youngresearcher #LandscapeArchaeology #socioenvironmental #archaeology #JohannaMestorfAward
Are you a #youngresearcher with an outstanding #dissertation that was completed not more than two years ago? Does your dissertation deal with #socioenvironmental research or #landscape #archaeology? If this description fits you, you are a candidate for the #JohannaMestorfAward 2023. It is open to young resarchers of all scientific fields and it is endowed with a prize of 3000 Euro. How to apply and all further information:
#JohannaMestorfAward #archaeology #landscape #socioenvironmental #dissertation #youngresearcher