Our #MedicalStudent Leonard Schmitt spent a week together with #NobelLaureates in Lindau. Read our interview where he talks about his encounters with the laureates and what he personally took away from the trip: http://go.tum.de/355064
#medicalstudent #nobellaureates #youngscientists
Keep your alert for the CEMBO/DARTBAC #trainingschool of #youngscientists from 24th-26th of May. Please register, we hope to see you in #amsterdam in spring!
#trainingschool #youngscientists #amsterdam
மத்திய அரசு வழங்கும் இன்ஸ்பயர் விருதுக்கு தமிழகத்தில் 733 மாணவ மாணவிகள் தேர்வு! முழு விவரம்
#tamilnadu #youngscientists #award #inspireaward #inspire
Already submitted an application/suggestion for the #JohannaMestorfAward? If not - it is still possible until tomorrow!
#Archaeology #socioenvironmental #landscapearchaeology #youngresearcher #youngscientists
#youngscientists #youngresearcher #LandscapeArchaeology #socioenvironmental #archaeology #JohannaMestorfAward
This 12-Year-Old Designed a Water Bottle You Can Eat - Smithsonian Magazine https://apple.news/AQIYb6wlxQpajaEZs17BqpA
#YoungScientists #ediblewaterbottle
#ediblewaterbottle #youngscientists
@mikelove sounds good Mike. I am in! Also you have written some of the best statistical packages ever brother. #youngscientists #earlycareer
Vi i @Beijerstiftelsen är väldigt glada och stolta över @ungaforskare och det fantastiska landslagets imponerande medaljer!
RT @ungaforskare: Medaljskörd på VM i forskning för unga! Se pressmeddelande:
#ISEF #teamsweden #RegeneronISEF #science #youngscientists #STEM #utstallningen #utställningen #UG22 #ungaforskare #gymnasiearbete #forskningslandslaget
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/CeciliaWikstrom/status/1526126219426766849
#ISEF #teamsweden #RegeneronISEF #science #youngscientists #STEM #utstallningen #utställningen #UG22 #ungaforskare #gymnasiearbete #forskningslandslaget