Young writers wanted! You could win a £500 travel grant, tickets to one of the UK’s best book festivals, and the chance to see your own work in print in a special anthology when you enter this year's #YoungWalterScottPrize. Stories must be between 800 and 2,000 words, and set in a time before you were born. The closing date for this year’s competition is 31st October 2023. UK only
#amwriting #ywsp #History #Writing #youngwalterscottprize
Love this advice for young writers of #HistoricalFiction from our 2023 #WalterScottPrize winner Lucy Caldwell, author of THESE DAYS (@faberbooks): remember, your characters are living on the cutting edge and know nothing of the future. See more tips for young writers in our YouTube playlist
#books @Books #LucyCaldwell #TheseDays #NorthernIreland #ww2 #writingCommunity #creativewriting #youngwalterscottprize
#youngwalterscottprize #creativewriting #writingcommunity #ww2 #NorthernIreland #TheseDays #lucycaldwell #Books #walterscottprize #historicalfiction
You could win our 2023 shortlist -- just subscribe to our newsletter! Plus, you'll be first to hear news, events and opening dates about the #WalterScottPrize and #YoungWalterScottPrize for writers 11-19. Sign up now and we'll add you to the list
#histfic #writingCommunity #HistoricalFiction #books #giveaway
#giveaway #Books #historicalfiction #writingcommunity #HistFic #youngwalterscottprize #walterscottprize
You could win our 2023 shortlist -- just subscribe to our newsletter! Plus, you'll be first to hear news, events and opening dates about the #WalterScottPrize and #YoungWalterScottPrize for writers 11-19. Sign up now and we'll add you to the list
#histfic #writingCommunity #HistoricalFiction #books #giveaway #fiction #bookstodon
#bookstodon #fiction #giveaway #Books #historicalfiction #writingcommunity #HistFic #youngwalterscottprize #walterscottprize
The Walter Scott and Young Walter Scott Prizes are deeply saddened to announce the death of patron and founder, the Duchess of Buccleuch. We will feel her loss intensely, as will the historical fiction writers of the future whom she supported so generously
#WalterScottPrize #DuchessofBuccleuch #YoungWalterScottPrize #amwriting #HistoricalFiction #histfic
#HistFic #historicalfiction #amwriting #youngwalterscottprize #duchessofbuccleuch #walterscottprize
The Walter Scott and Young Walter Scott Prizes are deeply saddened to announce the death of patron and founder, the Duchess of Buccleuch. We will feel her loss intensely, as will the historical fiction writers of the future whom she supported so generously
#WalterScottPrize #DuchessofBuccleuch #YoungWalterScottPrize #amwriting #HistoricalFiction #histfic
#HistFic #historicalfiction #amwriting #youngwalterscottprize #duchessofbuccleuch #walterscottprize
This year's prize for young writers of historical fiction, the prestigious Young Walter Scott Prize, has been won by Ellie Karlin for her story Mrs Fujita's Living Room in the 11-15 years category, and by Rosie Brooker, author of Forever England, in the 16-19 years category.
To read both winning stories see
#youngwriters #ywsp #writingCommunity #histfic #historicalfiction #winner #youngwriter #writertok #creativewriting #youngwalterscottprize #EllieKarlin #RosieBrooker
#rosiebrooker #elliekarlin #youngwalterscottprize #creativewriting #writertok #youngwriter #winner #historicalfiction #HistFic #writingcommunity #ywsp #youngwriters
Thanks to all writers who entered this year's Young #WalterScottPrize, from right across the UK! Please help us congratulate our shortlist, from which our judges will now select winning, runner-up and highly commended entries:
#YoungWriter #amwriting #YoungWalterScottPrize #ywsp #HistoricalFiction #histfic
#HistFic #historicalfiction #ywsp #youngwalterscottprize #amwriting #youngwriter #walterscottprize
An #introduction from us at the #WalterScottPrize for #HistoricalFiction. It's one of the world's most prestigious #literaryprizes and in its fourteen years has awarded over £300,000 to writers and brought over 150 great #historical novels to wider attention, including to #bookgroups. We also run the #YoungWalterScottPrize, a creative writing prize for those 11-19. We post about #bookprizes #history #writingtips and more. Say hello and tell us - what are you reading now, #histfic or otherwise?
#HistFic #writingtips #History #bookprizes #youngwalterscottprize #bookgroups #historical #literaryprizes #historicalfiction #walterscottprize #Introduction