"Get to know the physical detail of the period that you would like to write about." Wise advice for young writers of historical fiction from Elizabeth Lowry, whose novel THE CHOSEN was shortlisted for this year's #WalterScottPrize for #HistoricalFiction
@bookstodon #Writing #youngwriters #YoungWriter #ywsp #amwriting
#amwriting #ywsp #youngwriter #youngwriters #Writing #historicalfiction #walterscottprize
This year's prize for young writers of historical fiction, the prestigious Young Walter Scott Prize, has been won by Ellie Karlin for her story Mrs Fujita's Living Room in the 11-15 years category, and by Rosie Brooker, author of Forever England, in the 16-19 years category.
To read both winning stories see bit.ly/YWSPwin22
#youngwriters #ywsp #writingCommunity #histfic #historicalfiction #winner #youngwriter #writertok #creativewriting #youngwalterscottprize #EllieKarlin #RosieBrooker
#rosiebrooker #elliekarlin #youngwalterscottprize #creativewriting #writertok #youngwriter #winner #historicalfiction #HistFic #writingcommunity #ywsp #youngwriters
Will be skipping cricket practice today as boy was nominated by his skcool as a good writist and they have sent him to a "Young Writers Collective" event today at Fremantle Prison.
I believe it's in a building in the grounds, not the cells.
#Fremantle #FremantlePrison #YoungWriter #Writer
#fremantle #fremantleprison #youngwriter #writer
Thanks to all writers who entered this year's Young #WalterScottPrize, from right across the UK! Please help us congratulate our shortlist, from which our judges will now select winning, runner-up and highly commended entries:
#YoungWriter #amwriting #YoungWalterScottPrize #ywsp #HistoricalFiction #histfic
#HistFic #historicalfiction #ywsp #youngwalterscottprize #amwriting #youngwriter #walterscottprize