Hauska myytti, että kostonsa täydellistämiseksi Simon kutsui piikittelynsä kohteen laulamaan vieläpä taustoja. #youresovain
Wouldn’t surprise me if Smeghead ordered the Twitter engineers to either remove the mute facility, or create a backdoor to ensure his tweets slipped through, whether intentionally muted or not. #YoureSoVain
I used to run my hands through my hair in frustration. Now I bring my hands down on my head.
Because I'm balding (gracefully, thankfully).
#YoureSoVain (but it's about me)
son of a #gun!
you walked into the #party like you were walking onto a #yacht
your #hat strategically dipped below one #eye
your #scarf it was #apricot
you had one eye in the #mirror as you watched yourself #gavotte
and all the #girls dreamed that they'd be your #partner
they'd be your partner, and...
you're so #vain, you probably think this #song is about you
you're so vain, i bet you think this song is about you
don't you? don't you?
#song #carlysimon #music #gun #party #yacht #hat #eye #scarf #apricot #mirror #gavotte #girls #partner #vain #youresovain
No fue mala esta semana musicalmente hablando en 1973 tampoco, el temazo de #YoureSoVain alcanzaba lo más alto en la lista mundial #TopEuropaClub