La voix de Snoop Dogg m'apaise.

#yourfaveisproblematic #music

Last updated 1 year ago

@SymTrkl Me too. I wish DiMassa didn't have a really mixed history around trans issues, but I long ago accepted that applies to my faves, as well. Sigh.


Last updated 2 years ago

Christine Lombardi · @ChrisAintMarchin
78 followers · 346 posts · Server

Owens proceeds to school us, or at least me, about how the current term “cancel” originated in Black Twitter, used in debates over celebrity misbehavior (e.g. ) and broader injustice. He describes a signal moment when livetweeting the 2016 BET Awards: when a speech defending Black Lives Matter was overshadowed on Twitter by Justin Timberlake, Owens asked the latter to acknowledge his own musical debts to Black culture, “And apologize to Janet, too.” (3)


Last updated 2 years ago

Chris Lombardi · @ChrisAintMarchin
271 followers · 2373 posts · Server

Owens proceeds to school us, or at least me, about how the current term “cancel” originated in Black Twitter, used in debates over celebrity misbehavior (e.g. ) and broader injustice. He describes a signal moment when livetweeting the 2016 BET Awards: when a speech defending Black Lives Matter was overshadowed on Twitter by Justin Timberlake, Owens asked the latter to acknowledge his own musical debts to Black culture, “And apologize to Janet, too.” (3)


Last updated 2 years ago

Christine Lombardi · @ChrisAintMarchin
78 followers · 345 posts · Server

(3) Owens proceeds to school us, or at least me, about how the current term “cancel” originated in Black Twitter, used in debates over celebrity misbehavior (e.g. ) and broader injustice. He describes a signal moment when livetweeting the 2016 BET Awards: when a speech defending Black Lives Matter was overshadowed on Twitter by Justin Timberlake, Owens asked the latter to acknowledge his own musical debts to Black culture, “And apologize to Janet, too.”


Last updated 2 years ago

Chris Lombardi · @ChrisAintMarchin
271 followers · 2373 posts · Server

(3) Owens proceeds to school us, or at least me, about how the current term “cancel” originated in Black Twitter, used in debates over celebrity misbehavior (e.g. ) and broader injustice. He describes a signal moment when livetweeting the 2016 BET Awards: when a speech defending Black Lives Matter was overshadowed on Twitter by Justin Timberlake, Owens asked the latter to acknowledge his own musical debts to Black culture, “And apologize to Janet, too.”


Last updated 2 years ago

tether · @tether
312 followers · 2272 posts · Server

Just watched this video about , and so happy yo see there is an updated version streaming now! This show was my absolute favorite, I own the DVD box set (yes I'm old, tyvm), I watched and rewatched it *countless* times, danced around my apartment to the soundtrack and dreamt of what was out there...

Even if it's dated now and definitely applies here, I totally agree that this show was so important. It def was to me, a young bi woman who (at the time) questioned so deeply whether I'm even really queer or just wanted attention (as I was told). And even if it lacks bi representation, it confirmed for me that yes, these are people like me.

No apologies indeed :Gaysper:

#yourfaveisproblematic #queerasfolk

Last updated 2 years ago

tether · @tether
312 followers · 2272 posts · Server @cypnk

Everyone must not be the model human being, but there's a difference b/w "not being a model human being" and "being a really problematic person who gets away with shit because of an equally problematic personality cult that protects him"

There are many good people out there who do awesome stuff, so why keep supporting the problematic dude? At least know & speak about the shitty stuff along the good stuff, it's a clear case of


Last updated 7 years ago

tether · @tether
312 followers · 2272 posts · Server

weil ich grad ans queer zinefest berlin & ihre lobenswerte türpolitik denken musste, hier ein kleiner erklärbärpost zu den wursthaaren.

startet mal mit, dann vielleicht!5365005/, und lest dann einfach die weiterführenden quellen im link unten.

ja, es is oft schwer sich dinge einzugestehen wie , oder dass etwas was man macht/hat kacke is, aber that's how we grow, baby.

#youcandoit #yourfaveisproblematic

Last updated 7 years ago