Purpose Anxiety: The Fear of not Knowing your Purpose in Life.
Both meaning and purpose enable us to better live in the present moment, but meaning helps us make sense of our memories so we can understand our past, while purpose helps us to consciously project ourselves in the future.
#future #sociology @sociology #sociologist #procastinacion #psychology #opportunity #Philosophy #philosopher #distraction #values #yourfuture @philosophy
#future #sociology #sociologist #procastinacion #psychology #opportunity #philosophy #philosopher #distraction #values #yourfuture
One Question to Ask Yourself to Know Your Future (...and change of too). - Goethe.
The trouble is that too many of us spend too much time distracted rather than focused on the things that matter. Wasting time on distractions, which we’ll later regret, leads to a life filled with missed opportunities.
#goethe #future #sociology @sociology #sociologist #procastinacion #psychology #opportunity #Philosophy #philosopher #distraction #values #yourfuture
#goethe #future #sociology #sociologist #procastinacion #psychology #opportunity #philosophy #philosopher #distraction #values #yourfuture
#GAvoters !!
#YourVote = #YourVoice = #YourFuture
Today is #ElectionDay!
#gavoters #yourvote #yourvoice #yourfuture #electionday
WTF ist ***KOGNITIVE DISSONANZ? WTF is this shit all
Fragestellungen für:
#Lanz #AnneWill #Maischberger #rezo #greta #luisa #vanessa #carola #it #is #YOURfuture #human #humankind #QuantumEntanglement #humans #KidsFirst #Hand
#weedmob #Aikido #DUBISTdasUNIVERSUM #YOUaretheUNIVERSE #Alien #onelove #UNIVERSE
#LOVE #YOU #FOREVER and #Infinity #Coldplay :mastolove:
Coldplay "Humankind" :
#Coldplay #infinity #forever #you #love #universe #onelove #alien #YOUaretheUNIVERSE #DUbistdasUNIVERSUM #aikido #WeedMob #hand #kidsfirst #humans #quantumentanglement #humankind #human #yourfuture #is #it #carola #vanessa #luisa #greta #rezo #maischberger #annewill #lanz
WTF ist ***KOGNITIVE DISSONANZ? WTF is this shit all
Fragestellungen für:
#Lanz #AnneWill #Maischberger #rezo #greta #luisa #vanessa #carola #it #is #YOURfuture #human #humankind #QuantumEntanglement #humans #KidsFirst #Hand
#weedmob #Aikido #DUBISTdasUNIVERSUM #YOUaretheUNIVERSE #Alien #onelove #UNIVERSE
#LOVE #YOU #FOREVER and #Infinity #Coldplay :mastolove:
Coldplay "Humankind" :
#Coldplay #infinity #forever #you #love #universe #onelove #alien #YOUaretheUNIVERSE #DUbistdasUNIVERSUM #aikido #WeedMob #hand #kidsfirst #humans #quantumentanglement #humankind #human #yourfuture #is #it #carola #vanessa #luisa #greta #rezo #maischberger #annewill #lanz