How much have you thought about what YOU have to Offer the sapient minds of this world?
#buildinpublic #YourMessIsYourMessage #PersonalBranding #BusinessDevelopment #PersonalGrowth #LifeLongLearning #PurposefulProposal #MeaningfulMarketing
#buildinpublic #yourmessisyourmessage #personalbranding #businessdevelopment #personalgrowth #lifelonglearning #purposefulproposal #meaningfulmarketing
🍽 Baby Bites, Down the Hall 🐘
As I teach my Students the joy of Consistently Creating Content ( #YourMessIsYourMessage #BuildInPublic ), I often relate to them my Relationship/Connection with the idea of "Failure".
As visionaries, we often want to try and hand entire, grand, notions to others; regardless of their awareness, background, or understanding.
As we build our Practice, we must reevaluate what Success looks like; and allow ourselves to "eat the elephant" in smaller bites.
#yourmessisyourmessage #buildinpublic