"Your mental toughness is equally made of persistence, commitment, and motivation and remember, the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Dr. Gilda Scarfe
#mentaltoughness #persistance #commitment #motivation #remember #opponent #yourself #yourmind #atoddswithmyself #youvegotthis #awareness #flourishing #humanflourishing #psychology #positivepsychology #wellbeing
#mentaltoughness #persistance #commitment #motivation #remember #opponent #yourself #yourmind #atoddswithmyself #YouveGotThis #awareness #flourishing #humanflourishing #psychology #positivepsychology #wellbeing
Romeo & Juliet laws don't actually exist.
Some states have close-in-age exceptions in their age of consent laws.
In Kentucky it's 10 years. In Idaho 3 years. In Illinois zero.
So what is the correct allowable age gap in your mind?
+5 years = rape ?
+3 years = lovemaking ?
#Romeo #Juliet #laws #actually #exist #states #close-in-age #exceptions #AgeOfConsentLaws #AgeOfConsent #romeoandjuliet #Kentucky #10years #Idaho #Illinois #zero #correct #agegap #yourmind #rape #lovemaking
#romeo #juliet #laws #10years #idaho #exist #close #AgeOfConsentLaws #ageofconsent #romeoandjuliet #kentucky #illinois #zero #correct #yourmind #exceptions #agegap #rape #lovemaking #actually #states