Kim Perales · @KimPerales
1114 followers · 12489 posts · Server

AZ gov makes contraceptive meds available over the counter. >20 states have statutes that let pharmacists dispense FDA-approved hormonal contraceptives w/o a Rx. Hobbs has used her exec. powers to promote reproductive freedom. In June she issued a sweeping EO effectively stripping prosecutors of their ability to pursue charges against anyone involved with a legally obtained abortion +plans to support leg. next year that'd codify access to birth control.


Last updated 1 year ago

BlueC · @Bluegitana
58 followers · 679 posts · Server

Hey! All in please note has won the primary election and on August 3rd the general election will be held for District 86.


#bluevoters #tennessee #tennesseans #justinpearson #Thursday #yourvotematters

Last updated 1 year ago

Fusion Party Australia · @FusionPartyAus
72 followers · 53 posts · Server

Have you ever wondered how votes are counted in Australia? Well, it's a bit different from other countries! Australia uses a preferential voting system, which means that voters rank the candidates in order of preference on their ballot paper.

When the votes are counted, the first preference votes are tallied up. If a candidate has over 50% of the votes, they win outright. If not, the candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated, and their second preference votes are distributed to the remaining candidates. Your second preference and so on carries the full value of your vote.

This process of elimination and preference distribution continues until one candidate has over 50% of the votes and is declared the winner. This means that even if your first preference candidate doesn't win, your vote can still have an impact on the outcome.

So next time you vote in an Australian election, remember to rank your preferred candidates in order of preference. Your vote could make all the difference!

Our website and policies:

AEC how votes are counted and preferential voting:

Educational links:

#australiavotes #fusion #fusionparty #votefusion #auspol #government #ethicalgovernance #education #politics #election #yourvotematters #preferentialvoting

Last updated 2 years ago

Fusion Party Australia · @FusionPartyAus
72 followers · 52 posts · Server

Early voting for the Aston by-election starts on Monday 20th March! Everyone who is eligible to vote in the electorate of Aston must vote by the 1st of April.

Voting in Australia is a straightforward process:

- Find your most convenient polling place: Check the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) website ( or call the AEC (13 23 26).

- Get your name marked off: Once you arrive at the polling place, an AEC worker will check your name on the electoral roll. You do NOT need to provide identification at the polling place.

- Get your ballot paper: An AEC worker will give you a ballot paper which lists all the candidates who are running for the House of Representatives in your electorate.

- Number your candidates: Starting with the number “1” for your most preferred candidate, number the boxes next to the candidates in order of your preference. You must number every box on the ballot paper for your vote to be valid.

- Submit your ballot paper: After you have numbered all the boxes on the ballot paper, fold the paper and place it in the ballot box.

Remember, voting is not only your right as an Australian citizen, it's also your responsibility. So make sure you have your say and participate in shaping the future of your community. For more information on how to vote in the upcoming elections, visit the AEC website.

Our website and policies:

AEC HoR how to vote:

#australiavotes #fusion #fusionparty #votefusion #auspol #government #ethicalgovernance #education #politics #election #houseofrepresentatives #yourvotematters #astonvotes #astonvotes2023 #astonishingaston

Last updated 2 years ago

♆ • Max ✅ · @maxamaxim
463 followers · 1564 posts · Server

just finished reading an article by @marcelias on @democracydocket re: enabling more access to voting and the dangers of not doing so:

"...voter suppression must judged by the effect on the voters, not the subjective intent of government officials..."

it's important to understand what's going on and what may happen in other places

you can read it here:

#earlyvoting #votingrights #yourvotematters #democraticprocess #democraticprinciples

Last updated 2 years ago

Itamar Medeiros · @designative
230 followers · 747 posts · Server
Musings of Ru · @Musingsofru
90 followers · 120 posts · Server
🌹Tottenham Makes Me Cry 🌹 · @Jayabe2
12 followers · 11461 posts · Server


Tomorrow is National Poll Worker Recruitment Day. Have you ever thought about becoming a poll worker? DCBOE is hosting a virtual information session on Sep. 1 at 7 PM. More information here: Email to RSVP.


#votesafedc #yourvotematters

Last updated 4 years ago