As we see in the New Year, there are still millions facing poverty and financial distress, about one million on the woefully low Youth Allowance and JobSeeker. From 1 January 2023, Youth Allowance was indexed by 6%. Be clear, that’s an increase of about $2 per day, bringing YA to a paltry $40 per day.
At the same time, rents are up by about 18%, energy bills by 20% and food 9%. Indexation is welcome but it won’t deal with our greatest fairness failure, income supports forcing people into deep poverty.
In 2023, let’s choose to be kinder and fairer. #RaisetheRate #JobSeeker #YouthAllowance and #StopStage3TaxCuts. For those who are directly affected right now, rest assured, we will not give up until this is done.
Read our Media Release here:
#raisetherate #jobseeker #youthallowance #stopstage3taxcuts