How Gretchen Whitmer Made Michigan a Democratic Stronghold | The Governor’s strategy for revitalizing her state has two parts: to grow, Michigan needs young people; to draw young people, it needs to have the social policies they want.
#GretchenWhitmer #Michigan #DemocraticStronghold #RevitalizingMichigan #YouthEngagement #SocialPolicies #Politics #News
#gretchenwhitmer #michigan #democraticstronghold #revitalizingmichigan #youthengagement #socialpolicies #politics #news
Texas Is the First State to Ban Student Interaction With Elected Officials | Students have historically led social justice efforts that wouldn’t be possible without contact with elected official
#Truthout #TexasBanOnStudentInteraction #StudentActivism #SocialJustice #YouthEngagement #ElectedOfficials #Politics #News
#truthout #texasbanonstudentinteraction #studentactivism #socialjustice #youthengagement #electedofficials #politics #news