Among the many #Bicycling #Monterey projects that most people are unaware of is the first example under Project #4, BICYCLING #EQUITY EFFORTS (scroll down our Summary of Projects page:
Last week another #teen phoned us to make use of that project, and today yet another teen called in the same situation. We're happy to help. We salute these teens for not wasting their (or their family's) money on a #TrafficFine. Instead, these #youth are "making lemonade out of lemons."
When #LawEnforcement officers deem a #citation appropriate, we appreciate #judges who offer an alternative to a #fine—such as the one we provide (see Project #4).
In case you're wondering: We appreciate #police officers who are into education instead of citation whenever appropriate. And we've done reach out to #PoliceDepartments over the past 14 years to help more #MontereyCounty, and other, #cops be better prepared to help educate people who #bike.
#Bicycling #monterey #equity #teen #trafficfine #youth #lawenforcement #citation #judges #fine #police #policedepartments #montereycounty #cops #bike #BikeTooter #youthjustice #bikeequity
We’ve hit a #RobinHood moment in democratic society where we need to decide if it’s ok for governments to pander to wealthy corporations and elite while stripping us of services. #education #health #energy #HousingPolicies #youthmentalhealth #youthjustice #environment (the list is endless) are all issues that stem from under servicing. If we want to fix our society we are going to have to invest in it. #auspol
#robinhood #education #health #energy #housingpolicies #youthmentalhealth #youthjustice #environment #auspol
Holy sh*t. For some reason, I haven't wanted to believe that there are juvenile offenders who've been sentenced to life in prison. Sure, there are people who've committed serious crimes as juveniles. Handing down life sentences however doesn't seem to have a basis in scientific insights about disturbed kids.
#youthjustice #incarceration #prisonnation #schooltoprisonpipeline
My latest:
Community leaders have called for major reform to #WesternAustralia's #YouthJustice system after guards were injured in a major disturbance at Banksia Hill Youth Detention Centre on Monday night.
Read here:
#WesternAustralia #youthjustice
When faced with multiple crises, this World Day for #SocialJustice reminds us that our fight for #climatejustice involves many intersecting issues. Let’s take opportunities to foster cross-boundary dialogues and build a coalition for justice ✊
#ClimateJustice #RacialJustice #GenderJustice #HousingJustice #FoodJustice #LabourJustice #MigrantJustice #AgeJustice #DisabilityJustice #LandJustice #WaterJustice #EnergyJustice #IndigneousJustice #EnvironmentalJustice #AnimalJustice #YouthJustice ...
#socialjustice #ClimateJustice #racialjustice #GenderJustice #housingjustice #foodjustice #labourjustice #migrantjustice #agejustice #DisabilityJustice #landjustice #WaterJustice #energyjustice #indigneousjustice #environmentaljustice #AnimalJustice #youthjustice
Young people with disabilities are disproportionately impacted by the #youthjustice system. Learn more in this new report from, including policy recommendations to better support young people and communities.
This was a good yarn I enjoyed having yesterday with Yindjibarndi Elder Tootsie Daniel, Ngarluma woman Camilia Samson and Ballardong Noongar man Desmond Blurton. Have a listen if you feel like it.
"Aboriginal people have shared advice for Premier Mark McGowan ahead of the youth justice crisis talks he is holding in Perth today."
As Des says, the world is looking at what Western Australia does next. I hope we're able to start treating children with compassion and care.
#WesternAustralia #auspol #YouthJustice #FirstNationsJustice
#WesternAustralia #auspol #youthjustice #FirstNationsJustice
This was a good yarn I enjoyed having yesterday with Yindjibarndi Elder Tootsie Daniel, Ngarluma woman Camilia Samson and Ballardong Noongar man Desmond Blurton. Have a listen if you feel like it.
"Aboriginal people have shared advice for Premier Mark McGowan ahead of the youth justice crisis talks he is holding in Perth today."
As Des says, the world is looking at what Western Australia does next. I hope we're able to start treating children with compassion and care.
#WesternAustralia #auspol #YouthJustice #FirstNationsJustice
#WesternAustralia #auspol #youthjustice #FirstNationsJustice
Im brand-spanking new to this space and Im following the instructions of another re: how to connect w groups of interest, on this platform...hashtags you say?
#BlackTwitter #SocialJustice #HumanRights #BlackMastadon #HousingRights #Fashion #Comedy #BlackWriters #YouthJustice #YouthAdvocacy #YouthSpaces #UrbanArt #UrbanCulture #African #Caribbean #Toronto #Astrology #Moon #Education #Settlement #Newcomers
#BlackTwitter #socialjustice #humanrights #BlackMastadon #housingrights #fashion #comedy #blackwriters #youthjustice #youthadvocacy #youthspaces #urbanart #urbanculture #African #caribbean #toronto #astrology #moon #education #Settlement #newcomers
If teens are old enough to be charged and prosecuted, they’re old enough to vote.
#MakeIt16 #YouthJustice #Justice #nzPol
#makeit16 #youthjustice #justice #nzpol