Me: We should be consistent in how we care for kids and anyone else with similar physical and intellectual capacities.
Relative: Children are a different class of people.
Me: :blobcatfacepalm:
Please don't joke about beating kids. Even more, never beat a kid. Kids are not property. They are the ultimate authority in how they should be treated.
Why do I keep talking about kids so much? They're one of the most controlled and abused groups in society. Most people wouldn't imagine doing to adults what we do to kids.
Some situations require overriding one's agency, but those are exceptions not the rule. Shoving someone away from a car's path violates agency, but only temporarily so that the individual can proceed to exercise their own will more freely afterward.
Caregiving is a way to expand agency for those with physical or psychological disabilities.
Likewise, parental care is a way for kids to survive and make decisions in a world designed for adults.
Attempting to control a kid is abuse, as with any disabled person.
I love girls, I love enbies, trans femmes & mascs, I love women and men, genderless, nameless, species-less cuties, and all those between and beyond. I love everyone so much, regardless of age.
Age is like the last thing I find important about my comrades.
#Map #youthlib #youthliberation #trans #queer #pride