Ruby Hearthoof :gl: · @RubyHearthoof
291 followers · 735 posts · Server
Ruby Hearthoof :gl: · @RubyHearthoof
291 followers · 732 posts · Server
Ruby Hearthoof :gl: · @RubyHearthoof
12 followers · 39 posts · Server

The people asking the question "What is a Woman" have a point. Most people on that political side that commonly ask that question believe they have the answer lol, and use it as a talking point to push buttons and press people into a corner.

But it is a REAL QUESTION.

And I think with how society is rapidly evolving, we honestly can't answer that question anymore because the answer is so subjective, and it involves our constructed culture, which is all just made up and the points don't matter. These people think they have "figured it out" because they are following the old school narrative, or they are reaching for "biological sexs/genders" as the only cultural possibility. Meanwhile, the other people who are expressing radical genders ideas or are attempting to follow the ever-changing, ever-evoloving gender narrative are left without any consistent answers; and thus, the other side sees this as weakness, since the answer to "What is a Woman" is so subjective and personal, that there isn't a "correct" answer at all.

Now. While this question is front and center on the stage with mainstream media. I would argue that the question "what is an adult" follows the exact same concept, except unlike gender which is having its more recent battles come to light, child/adult rights have supposedly "already been figured out", as many people look to the law as the definitive answer to what is appropriate for adulthood. But when asking someone the question "what is an adult" and asking "why do you think its 18?", People will studder to find a reasonable answer. Its an old question with a subjective answer.

But what makes it weirder... Is unlike gender, which could be tied to sex as a "reasonable example of what gender should be" (which I don't agree with), adulthood isn't "tied to biology". Society doesn't choose the age 13 (which could be tied to reproductive biology) nor does it tie in with 25 (which could be tied to brain development). And since Maturity exists differently in every individual and is typically considered subjective by the other's validating the maturity, you can't use maturity as a metric for determining what an adult is, UNLESS, you treat it like gender in the sense that an adult is only what people believe they are. If a 13 year old wants to make the decision of getting a job, finding a spouce, and starting a family, who is anyone to tell them otherwise. They reached the subjective maturity level on their own terms, much like how a trans individual chooses to identify as female.

I see the concept and the question very similarly. Maybe this is just me being overanalytical, but this is how I see it.

#youthliberationist #lgbtq #ageism #maturity #Map #maprights #gender

Last updated 2 years ago