Como se nota cuando una gran tecnológica quiere ocultar alguna opción que debe ofrecer para parecer más amigable, pero que no quiere que conozcas.
"Solo" me ha llevado dos horas encontrar la forma de restringir el contenido que puede ver mi hijo en #YoutubeKids al que yo apruebe expresamente. A pesar de tener la cuenta como infantil, le estaba poniendo vídeos que ni mucho menos debería ver un niño de 3 años.
A #Google no le interesa que yo, su padre, elija qué ve. Quiere escogerlo el.
#大人なら童謡を守ろう #童謡文化を殺すな #YouTubeキッズ #youtubekids #coppa
#童謡文化を殺すな #大人なら童謡を守ろう #COPPA #YouTubeKids #YouTubeキッズ #キッズモード
#キッズモード #YouTubeキッズ #youtubekids #coppa #大人なら童謡を守ろう #童謡文化を殺すな
#YouTube #YouTubeKids #YouTubeキッズ #キッズモード #童謡
#童謡 #キッズモード #YouTubeキッズ #youtubekids #youtube
Eltern, die ihren Kids einen deutlich verbesserten, sichereren und kontrollierbareren Zugang zu #YouTube verschaffen wollen (100% ? 😅), sollten sich mit #YouTubeKids beschäftigen.
1/2 Mein heutiger Dank gilt #youtubekids und im speziellen dem #centex Kanal dort: mit Videos, wo das Köpfen von Menschen als kids-friendly eingestuft wird.
@ahriboy @gameplayer
Safe Search off?
But yeah, #YoutubeKids is just trash!
I'd rather let kids binge-watch @coldmirror #Coldmirror syncros and #Löwenzahn #fandubs and #YTP mashups...
Cuz those will have more educational value
#YTP #fandubs #lowenzahn #coldmirror #youtubekids
Ah the joys of modern technology... My lovely 4 year old has become hooked on #youtube so I did the next best thing and disabled it and installed #youtubekids she's throwing tantrums and begging for it to go back on.... Ah life can be cruel sometimes #parenthood plus my ex-wife and I caught our 7 year old son uploading videos of him and his sisters on #youtube so he's been restricted... Our parents had it slightly different when we were kids, especially... #TimesChange
#youtube #youtubekids #parenthood #TimesChange
Justin Timberlake and Anna Kendrick – “True Colors” Live at Cannes [OFFICIAL] | TROLLS
#AnnaKendrick #annakendricksinging #Cannes #cannesfestival #Dreamworks #DreamWorksAnimation #DreamWorksTV #dreaworkstrolls #FamilyEntertainment #justintimberlake #justintimberlakeandannakendrick #justintimberlakelive #LivePerformance #SomethingNew #TROLLS #trollscast #trollsmovie #trollssongs #youtubekids #アナ・ケンドリック #夢工場動畫
#annakendrick #annakendricksinging #cannes #cannesfestival #dreamworks #dreamworksanimation #dreamworkstv #dreaworkstrolls #familyentertainment #justintimberlake #justintimberlakeandannakendrick #justintimberlakelive #liveperformance #somethingnew #trolls #trollscast #TrollsMovie #trollssongs #youtubekids #アナ・ケンドリック #夢工場動畫
#youtuberindonesia #avneetkauryoutube #youtubekids #youtuberin #tubebuddymilestone #youtubecommunity #canalnoyoutube #youtubegamingchannel #smallyoutuber #youtuber #tubebuddy #youtubeartist #youtubechannel #youtubeitalia #youtubevideo #youtube #youtubepremium #youtubebanner #youtubers #newyoutuber #indianyoutuber #avneetyoutubeedits #youtubeindia #smallyoutubersupport #youtubemusic #youtubegaming #youtubevideos #youtubeguru #youtubelife #instik
#youtuberindonesia #avneetkauryoutube #youtubekids #youtuberin #tubebuddymilestone #youtubecommunity #canalnoyoutube #youtubegamingchannel #smallyoutuber #youtuber #tubebuddy #youtubeartist #YouTubeChannel #youtubeitalia #youtubevideo #youtube #youtubepremium #youtubebanner #youtubers #newyoutuber #indianyoutuber #avneetyoutubeedits #youtubeindia #smallyoutubersupport #youtubemusic #youtubegaming #youtubevideos #youtubeguru #youtubelife #instik
Adesso utilizzare #youtubekids sulla tua #smarttv è ancora più facile. #Youtube ha introdotto lo switch utente rapido per passare al #profilo #bambini e viceversa.
Youtube kids offre solo filmati adatti all'#età selezionata e maggiore sicurezza.
#youtube #profilo #youtubekids #smarttv #bambini #età
#GWB - YouTube Kids: Eine neue Art, YouTube Kids auf Smart TVs zu schauen – Integration in YouTube-App kommt - #youtubekids #youtube #Google
#gwb #youtubekids #youtube #google
Any other parents who absolutely cannot stand #Ryansworld ? And how do I go about blocking it on #youtubekids ?
#ryansworld #youtubekids #parent #parenting
#youtube #kids #youtubekids #propaganda #lgtb #lgtbq #lgbtqi #lgtbqia #children
YouTube Kids pushing lgtbq+ propaganda to young children.
#youtube #kids #youtubekids #propaganda #lgtb #lgtbq #lgbtqi #lgtbqia #children
The Children's Media Foundation asked Dubit founder Ian Douthwaite to write about whether the recent #layoffs of top #kidsmedia executives represent "another example of, when companies tighten their belts, #kids get squeezed out."
I joined Ian in preparing this piece, looking at the complexities of serving #children when there is no fully #ethical and #sustainable #financial model.
We'd love any comments in response!
#dubit #YouTube #YouTubeKids #subscriptions #freemium #UGC #advertising #licensing #funding #metaverse #educational #informational #publicservicemedia #PSM #research #Trends #TikTok #Roblox #linear #streaming #SVOD #avod
#layoffs #kidsmedia #kids #children #ethical #sustainable #financial #dubit #YouTube #youtubekids #subscriptions #freemium #ugc #advertising #licensing #funding #metaverse #educational #informational #publicservicemedia #psm #research #trends #tiktok #roblox #linear #Streaming #svod #avod
Wenn er auf meinem Account in der #YoutubeKids-App schaut, kann ich das Tablet per #FamilyLink nicht bedienen, weil FamilyLink den Zugang über seine Email-Adresse identifiziert. Schaut er über seinen Account, kann ich zwar das Tablet sperren, aber nur am Gerät seine Blockliste verfeinern.
Ich finde das megaumständlich. Es muss doch was geben, dass ich das Tablet und die Tabletzeit als Eltern von meinen Geräten aus bedienen kann. Gibt's da ne sinnvollere App als FamilyLink?
Ach, ich werde noch wahnsinnig. Vielleicht wisst ihr aus der #FediEltern-Bubble mehr.
1) #Samsung #Android-Tablet
2) #FamilyLink
3) #YoutubeKids
Vorweg, keine Diskussion, ob ein Kind welchen pädagogischen Sinn und so weiter...
Wie habt ihr das gelöst, dass Kinder selbstständig Screentime gestalten, aber Kontrolle über die Eltern läuft?
#Fedieltern #Samsung #android #familylink #youtubekids
Even though #YouTubeKids exists, it seems #TeamYouTube wants us to make ultra-family-friendly content that exceeds the expectations the #FCC puts on TV.
Make it make sense.
#youtubekids #TeamYouTube #fcc
Por se alguém quer fazer listagens de reprodução de vídeos marcados como infantís no #Youtube
#youtube #playlist #tip #dica #youtubekids
@Thinkingfish The downside of #YouTubeKids is that it does not allow putting videos into playlists. And the downside of videos that are not #blackscreen and 10 hours long is that I cannot use them for sleep. (-: I have a fair collection of 10 hour blackscreen videos, now. Some are rather repetitive, though.