New #vlog day 🥳
Our #cruise along the #SouthOxfordCanal continues through the #HS2 construction site, past the point where the railway will cross the canal and on to the abandoned medieval village of #Wormleighton. Join us...
#youtubevlog #boat #oxfordcanal #stoneton #hs2 #Wormleighton #FirstRuleoftheCanal
#vlog #cruise #southoxfordcanal #HS2 #wormleighton #youtubevlog #boat #oxfordcanal #stoneton #firstruleofthecanal
New vlog day 🥳
Our journey along the southern section of the #oxfordcanal continues from #priorshardwick and we #cruise past the #hs2 construction site and see where it will cross the #canal
#youtubevlog #cruise #windyday
#boatsthatmastodon #lifeisbetterbywater
#oxfordcanal #priorshardwick #cruise #HS2 #canal #youtubevlog #windyday #boatsthatmastodon #lifeisbetterbywater
紀州ケン: EMI の自宅での最初の日
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