⚠️ Watch closely any efforts that tilt the #Fediverse toward centralization and/or creating larger actors. This includes topics like moderation and standards work.
Follow the money, then follow it even more.
Reflect on those whose power is threatened by the true democratization and re-decentralization of the Internet.
what's a #portfolioday ? something to do with #visualart ?
#herewego ! For your #displeasure is a smattering of my illustration work for legendary Chicago weirdo/writer Dan Gleason --- Love ya Dannys! --- PS it is ALL CW ALL OVER THE PLACE. #youvebeenwarned #icankeepgoing #tellmewhentostop #areyousureyouwantthis
#portfolioday #visualart #herewego #displeasure #youvebeenwarned #icankeepgoing #tellmewhentostop #areyousureyouwantthis #OpenToWork
Just so you know: I read all of your toots in an American accent.
Was just watching Justin R Young's twitch stream and the bastard played this video in the background. I had not seen this before so was unprepared for the "key change"
#DoNotWatch #DoNotListen #YouveBeenWarned
#donotwatch #donotlisten #youvebeenwarned
@demimom it's already bought the affection of the lowest pack member. The only way from there is up.
I went to see that Luce movie and I wanted to believe it had something smart to say. But nope. It’s just terribly misguided in its use of stereotypes that do not help advance the conversation one bit. Stay away, my friends. #YouveBeenWarned