From the disappointing to the depressing to the overwhelming amounts of #fanfiction, here are my picks for the 20 #Worst #Films of #2022.
Full list at Mahan's Media: #film #movies #filmreview #moviereview #list #365Days #AfterEverHappy #BlackAdam #Blacklight #Blonde #BookOfLove #TheBubble #DontWorryDarling #TheExorcismOfGod #Firestarter #GirlAtTheWindow #HomeTeam #TheInvitation #JurassicWorldDominion #Marmaduke #PokerFace #TheSchoolForGoodAndEvil #TexasChainsawMassacre #WhereTheCrawdadsSing #YouWontBeAlone
#fanfiction #worst #films #film #movies #filmreview #moviereview #list #365days #aftereverhappy #blackadam #blacklight #blonde #bookoflove #thebubble #dontworrydarling #theexorcismofgod #firestarter #girlatthewindow #hometeam #theinvitation #jurassicworlddominion #marmaduke #pokerface #theschoolforgoodandevil #texaschainsawmassacre #wherethecrawdadssing #youwontbealone
Call me old fashioned but I'm not posting end of year lists before the end of the year, too much still to see. Even then, I'll be nowhere close to having seen all the #films / TV that I'd like.
Eg #HorrorMovies I've not yet seen #Pearl (not out in UK til next year), #BonesAndAll, #CrimesOfTheFuture, #Watcher, #SpeakNoEvil, #Resurrection, #Hatching, #YouWontBeAlone, #EnysMen... and I've seen loads of good horror, it's been a great year
#films #HorrorMovies #pearl #BonesAndAll #CrimesOfTheFuture #watcher #speaknoevil #resurrection #hatching #youwontbealone #enysmen
@fgccrespo Se gostaste desse posso recomendar outro?
You Won't be Alone (2022)
#filmes #youwontbealone #terror
Best film of 2022…. So far
10 solid #horror #movies in no particular order
1. #Hereditary
2. #Midsommar
3. #Host
4. #WatcherInTheWoods
5. #TheRitual
6. #Suspiria (for the #music )
7. #Poltergeist
9. #GingerSnaps
10. #YouWontBeAlone
#youwontbealone #gingersnaps #poltergeist #music #suspiria #theritual #watcherinthewoods #host #midsommar #hereditary #movies #horror