What happens if Sandra Masters resigns?
A closer look at the surprising sequence of events that would unfold following a shocking announcement. #yqrcc
What happens if Sandra Masters resigns?
A closer look at the surprising sequence of events that would unfold following a surprising announcement. #yqrcc
What happens if Sandra Masters resigns?
A closer look at the surprising sequence of events that would unfold following a surprising announcement. #yqrcc
Alcohol in Regina Parks - Will you have to drive home after your drink? #yqrcc
Taking a deeper look at the accessibility of Regina's newest drinking spots
📖Read here - https://prairietownscapes.substack.com/p/alcohol-in-regina-parks-will-you
Was shocked to find that Councillor Hawkins changed his mind and now private escooters are legal in Regina.
#YQRcc plans to ban private escooter use next week in #Regina.
Each potitical party in Canada will blame the other. Ok, maybe its the same in all countries. I hear #poilievre speaking and its all #trudeau fault. Poilievre had a very scripted speech, pulling on the heartstrings of many Canadians. I personally don’t believe him or trust him for a minute, but do understand we are all in a tough situation TOGETHER. However I would take him against #OToole or #AndrewScheer. #canpoli #skpoli #yqrcc#yqr #stopthehate #justworktogether
#poilievre #trudeau #otoole #andrewscheer #canpoli #skpoli #yqrcc #stopthehate #justworktogether
Has anyone ever spoken with a city hall employee to see how bad things are there? #yqrcc
A homeless person’s life and dignity have no value in the eyes of the lords ruling the city #yqrcc
Regina sure isn’t re-thinking the space it gives to cars. It’s 1950 somewhere #yqrcc
City of Regina plowing sidewalks as a public service
https://www.instagram.com/p/Clqi755Lc5B/?igshid=NTdlMDg3MTY= #yqrcc
I just signed a @yqraction@twitter.com petition: Regina City Council - Stop Catalyst. Build a Regina Downtown for People! #yqrcc #StopCatalyst
Sign here: https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/stopcatalyst?source=twitter&
RT @schmutzie
I just signed a @yqraction petition: Regina City Council - Stop Catalyst. Build a Regina Downtown for People! #yqrcc #StopCatalyst #yqr
Sign here: https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/stopcatalyst?source=twitter&
RT @yqraction
City Council is Off In La-La Land. #yqrcc
Also bad: study to increase parking minimums, expanding Arcola, lower density target
After Mayor and City Admin. walked away from old Taylor Field low income housing development, I am not surprised that the Regina Mayor and Councillors are now locked in war of words and lawsuit over homeless budget promise/line item. #skpoli #yqrcc #yqr
This week in #yqr Regina city administration refused to put a budget line to end homelessness in the proposed budget. City Council voted unanimously to end homelessness and have this as a budget line in June. One councillor (who is a lawyer) is now taking admin to court on behalf of one city councillor and one private citizen to force the inclusion of the budget line. City admin deemed the protection of human life to cost too much. #homelessness #InclusiveCities #SKpoli #yqrcc #BudgetsMatter
#yqr #homelessness #inclusivecities #skpoli #yqrcc #budgetsmatter