(2/2) the initial implementation is in a blocking call, so loading 3D sampling of the full timeseries takes so long napari dies (working on it...). Sampling 2D slices is quite a bit faster though -- here's a slice through the center of the domain for all of the available timesteps,
(1/2) the timeseries loading in yt-napari is kinda functional!
here's a 3D sampling of 10 of the timesteps in the enzo_tiny_cosmology yt test dataset. You get out a 4D array and can walk through time...
As someone who doesn't do much frontend development, i'm pretty excited that i was able to refactor the #yt_napari dock widget to dynamically add/remove collapsible sections. Still gotta fix that load button since I re-wrote a bunch of the backend loading recently, but that's just a few more beeps and boops. v0.2.0, we're almost therrrrre.
#yt_napari #napari #yt #qt #pyqt #icanhazfullstack