Ngl it would be fantastic if Joey and Kaiba had a competition to see who would have the best baby. Joey has one with Yugi and Kaiba does it with Mokuba cause he’s the only one he trusts. #yugioh #joeywheeler #setokaiba #joey #seto #yugimutou #mokubakaiba #yugi #mokuba #mpreg #competition #incest #kaibacest #latenightthoughts
#yugioh #joeywheeler #setokaiba #joey #Seto #yugimutou #mokubakaiba #yugi #Mokuba #mpreg #competition #incest #Kaibacest #latenightthoughts
If #Bakura or #YamiYugi or #PharaohAtem or #YugiMutou are not onscreen I do not want to see the scene
#bakura #yamiyugi #pharaohatem #yugimutou #yugioh