Llega «RUSH DUEL» a YU-GI-OH! Duel Links! una nueva forma de batirse en duelo
#noticias #konami #yugiohduellinks
Kotaku: Yu-Gi-Oh! Is Faltering, But Fans Feel Konami's Ignoring Them https://kotaku.com/yugioh-master-duel-konami-fan-concerns-card-game-ccg-1850642422 #gaming #tech #kotaku #digitalcollectiblecardgames #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #yugiohthedawnofdestiny #worldchampionship #yugiohduellinks #hidekihayakawa #shonenmanga #yugiohduel #jeffjones #duelist #konami #yugioh #sports #gioh #yu
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #digitalcollectiblecardgames #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #yugiohthedawnofdestiny #worldchampionship #yugiohduellinks #hidekihayakawa #shonenmanga #yugiohduel #jeffjones #duelist #konami #yugioh #sports #gioh #yu
The most difficult terms in foreign language, in my experience, are names of animals and plants. You unusually know some common ones but for me, there are a lot where I have no idea what are their names in English.
I just learned, from the Raidraptor archetype being added to #YuGiOhDuelLinks, that Lanius and Strix are actual bird species / categories, and which ones.
Fascinating how #DuelLinks with the recent additions highlights how not all characters got a real happy ending in Arc-V and VRAINS. Previous seasons characters were just like “Hey we’re in a virtual world, cool“ and the newer ones are like „I thought I’d never see Ai/Ruri/Yūto (etc) again”.
#YuGiOh #YuGiOhDuelLinks
#duellinks #yugioh #yugiohduellinks
I’m playing #YuGiOhDuelLinks and trying to collect all the game mats for which you need to summon the monster 100 times.
Right now I’m trying to do that with Black-Winged Dragon and forever wonder why effects of other monsters in my deck don’t work the way I expect — until I realize they only apply to ”Blackwing” monsters. ”Black-Winged” Dragon is not a “Blackwing” monster, duh 😬