Technology enthusiast writing code for work or fun in #ruby #golang & #erlang. Weekend #linux sysadmin, operating a #homelab running #gentoo #debian & #freebsd on a #proxmox cluster
I enjoy #gravelcycling and #roadcycling or exploring #outdoors in the #pnw
I'm dipping my toes into #offroading and recently bought an old #yukonxl suv for some #backcountry exploration and weekend wrenching
Politically unaffiliated. Hardliner for life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness.
#introduction #ruby #golang #erlang #linux #homelab #gentoo #debian #freebsd #proxmox #gravelcycling #roadcycling #outdoors #pnw #offroading #yukonxl #backcountry
Noticed my ball joints were looking a little tired while changing my oil a couple weeks ago. Finally got all parts together to do a complete refresh of all front control arms and booked a lift to install them. Nervous but excited to get into it.