I found out recently that adding mint to my morning smoothies was a next level taste sensation. So to support my new mint habit I'm trying to grow it rather than buy the pitiful shreds cut off some other plant. I set the pot with a newly planted mint in the sun and was struck by how beautiful it is. Thank you sun.
You're welcome fellow tooters. #plants #plantstodon #sun #sunshine #yummy #yummylicious #BeautyInNature
#plants #plantstodon #sun #sunshine #yummy #yummylicious #beautyinnature
#LolaTAC (The Awesome Cat 🐈) #HappawCaturday hoomans it's day 56/365 of my daily posting photos of me. I has wokens up from a #napnap & before going for a munch of my #yummylicious chicken breast I decided to pose for some photos for you on my high up sleepings platform thingy 😺
#lolatac #happawcaturday #napnap #yummylicious
#LolaTAC (The Awesome Cat 🐈) Hi hoomans it's day 55/365 of my daily posting photos of me. I has decided to just rest & chill. I has had a hard week looking after dad. He dids reward me with #yummylicious chicken breast which was gratefully munched. I even has some left for today & tomorrow 😺 Anyways I am going #napnap now 😴💤
#lolatac #yummylicious #napnap
#LolaTAC (The Awesome Cat 🐈) It's #Purrsday - Thursday to you hoomans & it's day 54/365. I gave dad my food order of #yummylicious chicken breast & to my supurrise he listened to me. After my munch I has gone to crash out in another of my #napnap spots 😹
#lolatac #purrsday #yummylicious #napnap
#LolaTAC (The Awesome Cat 🐈) Hellooo hoomans it's day 53/365 of my daily posting photos of me. I has started the day with a wee wanderbout then I posed for a photo & tolds dad what I wants to munch which is #yummylicious chicken breast but dad's said I had it at weekends! Pft .. he shoulds go gets me some more right now I thinks - or at least at some point today .. I will works on this should eat this Cat meat thinkings & change that to must get Lola some chicken breast right now thoughts 😹
#LolaTAC (The Awesome Cat 🐈) Welcomes hoomans to day 52/365 of my daily posting photos of me. I've had my breakyfast plus dad saved me some of his corned beef mash topped with beans (he ate all the beans cos he knows they not good for us cats) cheese & ketchup which I loves cos it's the best sauce in the universe. It was #yummylicious 😋 Now it's time to rest & chills out for a bit 😺
#LolaTAC (The Awesome Cat 🐈) Hellooo there hoomans it's day 51/365 of my daily posting photos of me. I've had my breakyfast which was a tuna/ham mix dad mades specially for me as a Monday treat. It was #yummylicious & there's more in the fridgeirator. Now I is relaxing with my fish. 😺
At 1:30am I had insomnia & was hungry so I ordered a large McCrispy Meal (that's crispy chicken beast with Cheese & iceberg lettuce and black pepper mayo between a sourdough-style sesame bun, large fries and large coke zero) .. 20 mins later it was here thanks #McDonalds & #JustEat it was #yummylicious
#mcdonalds #justeat #yummylicious
1:30am insomnia & I'm hungry so I ordered a large McCrispy Meal (that's crispy chicken beast with Cheese & iceberg lettuce and black pepper mayo between a sourdough-style sesame bun, large fries and large coke zero) .. 20 mins later it's here thanks #McDonald's & #JustEat it was #yummylicious
#mcdonald #justeat #yummylicious