Today on Okazu - Yuri Network News – (百合ネットワークニュース) – February 18, 2023
Yuricon 2023 is up and away with our first discussion video about the life of, the grandmother of Yuri, Yoshiya Nobuko. New Yuri manga licenses from Yen, Yuri anime news and more, this week on YNN!
#yuricon2023 #百合ニュース #百合 #yuri #yurinetworknews
Join us on tonight 8PM Eastern US time on Yuri Studio for the first discussion of Yuricon 2023 and a critical piece of Yuri history: Celebrating The Life And Work Of Yoshiya Nobuko with Prof. Sarah Frederick, translator of Yellow Rose from Yoshiya-sensei's Hana Monogatari series.
#Yuricon2023 @yuri #YuriHistory #ユリコン2023 #百合歴史 # 百合
#yuricon2023 #yurihistory #百合歴史
Yuricon 2023 will officially begin this Friday, Feb 10th. The "Opening Ceremonies" video will be posted to Yuri Studio!
Okazu Patrons have been given a preview of our con logo, which should be finished tonight. ^_^
#yuricon2023 #yurimanga #yurianime #yuri
New Beginnings - Yuricon 2023 Online
A Year of Yuri panels and presentations, starring you!
#Yuricon2023 #Yurimanga #Yurianime
#yuricon2023 #yurimanga #yurianime