@POLITICOEurope - I have zero love for Putin and his regime... but it's always sad when human endeavour, to broaden our science and understanding of the Universe, goes awry.
The Russians have done excellent work in space exploration.
If only that's where they devoted their energy, instead of invading a neighbour...
"The failure of Russia’s first moon mission in 47 years underscore the decline of Russia’s space power since the glory days of #ColdWar competition, when #Moscow was the first to launch a satellite to orbit the Earth– #Sputnik 1, in 1957 – and Soviet #cosmonaut #YuriGagarin became the first man to travel into space in 1961."
#Russia’s #Luna25 space craft crashes into the moon | #Moon | The Guardian
#moon #luna25 #Russia #yurigagarin #cosmonaut #sputnik #Moscow #coldwar
Usually work related dreams annoy me, but last night #YuriGagarin visited my brain with his need for a website.
He wanted a #peace themed site & stressed that the "language version" should be top quality as well.
First I assumed that the site was to be translated from #Russian to #Finnish, but it turned out to be other way round. Yuri was worried that Russians might miss his message, if the translation wasn't thorough.
After waking up it took some time to realise that I had tears in my eyes.
#Finnish #Russian #Peace #yurigagarin
Skeptoid #115: Search for the Missing Cosmonauts by Brian Dunning #achilleandgiovannijudica-cordiglia #yurigagarin #vladimirilyushin #lostcosmonauts #SkeptoidPodcast #podcast #bot A pair of young Italian brothers probably didn't uncover evidence of Soviet cosmonauts dying in space.
#achilleandgiovannijudica #yurigagarin #vladimirilyushin #lostcosmonauts #skeptoidpodcast #podcast #bot
Título: Yuri Gagarin. El ángel del proletariado
Autor: Alex Nikolavitch y Félix Ruiz
Edición: Desfiladero Ediciones / Almargen
La vida de Yuri Gagarin y cómo pasó de mecánico de aviones a héroe de la Unión Soviética. La carrera espacial esta llena de hitos y el primer ser humano en viajar al espacio es uno de los más recordados. Un cómic por cuyas páginas desfilan muchos personajes históricos de la época y una edición cuidadísima repleta de regalos: Postal firmada, pin, exlibris y marcapáginas.
Guión: 6
Dibujo: 7
Reseñador: @RetroMando
#reseña #yurigagarin #elángeldelproletariado #alexnikolavitch #félixruiz #lamazmorradelandroide
#resena #yurigagarin #elangeldelproletariado #alexnikolavitch #felixruiz #lamazmorradelandroide
This is an interesting letter. #space #science #yurigagarin #russia #communism https://news.lettersofnote.com/p/i-hope-you-will-never-see-this-letter
#space #science #yurigagarin #russia #communism
In case you've forgotten yesterday was Yuri's Night, when mankind open the door to the universe!
Model of the Vostok-1 capsule at the museum
First Inevitably Come: THOUGHT, FANTASY, FAIRY TALE.
They are followed by scientific calculation, and already, in the end, the execution is crowned by thought. (cit.: Tsiolkovsky)
#Cosmonaut #VDNH #YuriGagarin #Moskvá #Tsiolkovsky #Vostok1 #Восtок1 #Циолкoвский #ВДНХ #Гагaрин
#cosmonaut #VDNH #yurigagarin #Moskva #tsiolkovsky #Vostok1 #восtок1 #циолкoвский #вднх #гагaрин
In case you've forgotten yesterday was Yuri's Night, when mankind open the door to the universe!
Model of the Vostok-1 capsule at the museum
First Inevitably Come: THOUGHT, FANTASY, FAIRY TALE.
They are followed by scientific calculation, and already, in the end, the execution is crowned by thought. (cit.: Tsiolkovsky)
#Cosmonaut #VDNH #YuriGagarin #Moskvá #Tsiolkovsky #Vostok1 #Восtок1 #Циолкoвский #ВДНХ #Гагaрин
#cosmonaut #VDNH #yurigagarin #Moskva #tsiolkovsky #Vostok1 #восtок1 #циолкoвский #вднх #гагaрин
"¡Vamos!" en ruso y es lo que dijo #YuriGagarin segundos antes de convertirse en la primera persona que orbitaba el planeta, aquel 12 de abril de 1961.
► https://www.agenciasinc.es/Opinion/Poyekali [𝙰𝚁𝚃Í𝙲𝚄𝙻𝙾]
El autor, portavoz de la Agencia Espacial Europea (#ESA) en España, rinde tributo al legado de Gagarin y al papel de Rusia en el pasado y el presente de la cosmonáutica.
El 12 de abril 1981, el transbordador espacial #Columbia rugió hacia su órbita cuando, desde la base #Kennedy, fue lanzado por primera vez con una tripulación de dos personas: John Young y Robert Crippen.
► https://www.nasa.gov/image-feature/april-12-1981-launch-of-the-first-shuttle-mission
► 📸 https://www.nasa.gov/subject/3299/sts1/
El comandante de la misión, John Young, había volado cuatro veces al espacio, incluyendo un paseo por la Luna en 1972. Bob Crippen, el piloto, era un piloto de pruebas de la Marina. Pero nada de lo que ambos habían hecho o harían se parecía a esto.
#CarreraEspacial #CCCP #NASA #Shuttle #EEUU #Héroes #Efeméride
#yurigagarin #esa #columbia #kennedy #carreraespacial #cccp #nasa #shuttle #eeuu #heroes #efemeride
#PixelArt que hice en Acesprite, creo hace años.
#pixelart #cosmonaut #Gagarin #yurigagarin
Happy International Day of Human Space Flight everyone! Today we celebrate the successful launch of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics' Vostok 1 spacecraft carrying Yuri Gagarin into the first full orbit of our planet!
#InternationalDayOfHumanSpaceFlight #YuriGagarin #Space #sovietunion #soviet #Spaceflight #Celebration #Socialism #Communism
#communism #socialism #celebration #spaceflight #soviet #sovietunion #space #yurigagarin #InternationalDayofHumanSpaceFlight
"The Russian cosmonaut Yury Gagarin—the first human launched into space—reportedly returned to Earth with a simple, Soviet-style message: “I looked and looked and looked, but I didn't see God.” Gagarin was allegedly a believer, and there's some debate about whether he actually uttered those words."
#Belief #Space #Moldova #Cosmonaut #YuriGagarin
#belief #Space #moldova #cosmonaut #yurigagarin
"The Russian cosmonaut Yury Gagarin—the first human launched into space—reportedly returned to Earth with a simple, Soviet-style message: “I looked and looked and looked, but I didn't see God.” Gagarin was allegedly a believer, and there's some debate about whether he actually uttered those words."
#Belief #Space #Moldova #Cosmonaut #YuriGagarin
#belief #Space #moldova #cosmonaut #yurigagarin
This day in 1961, Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin became the first human to travel into space.
#yurigagarin #yurisnight #humanspaceflight #history #Space
A bordo de la nave #Vostok 1, #YuriGagarin se convierte en el primer ser humano en realizar un viaje al espacio. Descubre más días en https://www.efemerides.cl
Feliz día internacional de los Cosmonautas para todos los que celebren #YuriGagarin
Today marks the 62nd anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's groundbreaking spaceflight, which sparked the world's fascination with space exploration. This event was a crucial milestone in our understanding of the universe and our place within it. #SpaceExploration #YuriGagarin #Space #follow: @ihrf
#spaceexploration #yurigagarin #space #follow
A few years ago, on this date, the son of a carpenter ascended to the skies.
Today we celebrate the 62nd anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's historic space flight. His achievement inspired generations to reach for the stars and pushed the boundaries of human exploration. Let's continue to honor his legacy and invest in space exploration for the betterment of all. #YuriGagarin #SpaceExploration #HumanAchievement #space #gagarin
#yurigagarin #spaceexploration #humanachievement #space #gagarin
Ist heute psychedelischer Mittwoch? Ich hab keine Ahnung. Es läuft jedenfalls:
The Outskirts Of Reality from #YuriGagarin
👩🏼🚀 Artist: #VictorAsh ( #victorashstudio ) - in City: #Berlin #Hellersdorf Ludwigsfelde Str. 14, Germany 🇩🇪 - (📷 by project_193_berlin ) - Title: "Yuri Gagarin" - #streetart #art #mastoart #mural #graffiti #Space #artwork #YuriGagarin #Kosmos
#kosmos #yurigagarin #artwork #space #graffiti #Mural #MastoArt #art #streetart #hellersdorf #berlin #victorashstudio #victorash