has one (1) set of English subs for #YuriOnIce and it translates the Japanese dub. Is this the only set of English subs that exist, or is there a set somewhere that transcribes the English dub?
there's too much misogyny onscreen, to say nothing of the transphobia in JJ's "Ladies first" even assuming Yurio is cis, for me to believe #YuriOnIce is a zero-homophobia setting, but it's plainly a *much less* homophobia setting, and
there must be so much more openly queer art in YOIverse than RL, going back certainly centuries and possibly millennia
also given the role of homophobia in the severity of the AIDS crisis, YOIverse might not have *had* that crisis
to the surprise of nobody who's followed my Miraculous Ladybug fanfic, the new chapter of ( #YuriOnIce canon divergence, eventual Victuuri, Teen-rated bodyswap) means the story sprouted a "Food as a Metaphor for Love" tag
#聖地巡礼 #yurionice #唐津
6年ぶりに行ってきました ✈️
#唐津城 と#鏡山温泉 にフォトスポットがまだあって :1000: :ablobmeltsoblove:
#聖地巡礼 #yurionice #唐津 #唐津城 #鏡山温泉
I bet Victor thought in #YuriOnIce ep 10 that the reason Yuuri wanted to go sightseeing in Barcelona was bc that was the easiest way to just by coincidence pass by a jewelry store he could drag Victor inside, and therefore the easiest way (especially if Yuuri didn't know Victor's ring size) to keep the proposal a surprise for as long as possible
not sure if that's the conclusion he stuck with, but I bet it's a thought that crossed his mind
Yuuko's *face*
we are watching the moment in early #YuriOnIce in which she realizes Victor is shipping Victuuri harder than Yuuri is
(also another example of visual framing to illustrate character thoughts, since Yurio's shouting is visually separating Victor and Yuuri as well as being how Yurio is trying to literally make them separate long enough to coah him)
dept of, #YuriOnIce really loves using visual framing to illustrate what the characters are thinking about: both Yuris think Victor has awful big shoes they're each trying to fill
wait was Victor planning to walk/bus/taxi to the airport with one (1) suitcase, until Yakov caught up and drove him there? Makkachin isn't in this #YuriOnIce scene, so what was Victor's plan if Yakov hadn't driven them both?
as of #YuriOnIce ep 3, Yuuri says he's never landed the quad salchow in competition; in ep 6, we hear he's landed it in competition <30% of the time. Both programs have a 4S in, and in ep 5, he landed both. (Low GOE but landed.)
So he's attempted a 4S in competition 5 times before ep 5. (4 -> 1/3, 6 -> 1/4.) I bet there's one in his free skate last season and he tried it in both GP qualifiers, Sochi GPF, & Nationals, plus either a competition we didn't hear about or once the season before that.
The Stammi Vicino video being 4:43 means it's between 3 and 23 seconds longer than RL 2016-17 required for a men's singles free skate program. According to #YuriOnIce Oh! SkaTra!, the Stammi Vicino aria is 3:41, so just over a minute shorter than the viral video. And there's 33 seconds of Yuuko and Yuuri talking between the last note of Yuuri skating it and the cut to Victor won Worlds.
So how much of that 33s made it onto the video? Did Victor see a translation at any point, and if so when?
trying to choose songs for programs in #YuriOnIce fanfic is complicated by how, if I sort Oh! SkaTra! by track length, there's 9 tracks from 2:05 to 2:20, 13 from 3:32 to 3:47, and two exhibition skates (2:36 and 2:40); this implies program length requirements of 2:10 and 3:40, give or take 10s
meanwhile in RL 2016-17, short programs are 2:40 and men's singles free skates are 4:30, give or take 10s
I know they needed to conserve screentime and having less time per program does that, *but*
You can tell exactly where the #YuriOnIce animators filling out Yuuri's iTunes decided the exact details weren't the important part
Kasuragi Yūri and Pleseski Yurio breakdancing while being either underage or completely shitfaced.
#yurionice #breakdancing #anime
Drunk Yuri is the cutest Yuri.
I needed a cute soundtrack but ended up watching the Blu-ray of #yurionice extras since I hasn't done that yet. Unbelievable levels of cute. Photo-dump coming up...b :ily:
I first watched #YuriOnIce what, six months ago?
why is it only *now* dawning on me that the opening sequence choreography is both leads and both title characters in a three-skater segment of an ice show?